Blood sugar tests without a needle should be done as soon as possible.

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Blood sugar tests without a needle should be done as soon as possible.

 Blood sugar tests without a needle should be done as soon as possible. Diabetic patients have to resort to a needle to know their blood sugar level, but Apple, a well-known company that manufactures iPhone, iPad, and Smart Watch, has developed such a technology. Advances have been made in the manufacture of which will make it possible to do this procedure without a needle.

The company has been working to make blood sugar monitoring a part of the Apple Watch for a long time, and now it is close to success. A report said that Apple has introduced needle-free blood sugar monitoring. The technology has reached the concept stage.

With the help of this technology, a laser will be used to check the blood sugar inside the skin.

Apple previously had to use a device as large as a desk to use this technology, but now it is being used successfully as part of a prototype device the size of an iPhone.

However, there is still a lot of work to be done to make it part of a device as small as a smartwatch.

It should be noted that diabetic patients have to check their sugar level several times a day with the help of a needle to draw blood from the finger so that insulin can be used.

This procedure exposes patients to discomfort, skin damage, bruising, and risk of infection.

But with Apple's technology, not only diabetics will be able to monitor their disease, but also those people who are not diabetics but have high blood sugar levels will be able to benefit.

Apple has refrained from issuing any statement in this regard, but according to reports, the project has been in the works since 2010.

The report stated that consumers may have to wait for several years for a device based on this technology.

No medical device based on such technology is available yet, but several companies are working on it.

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