Common Causes of Dark Circles Under the Eyes

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Common Causes of Dark Circles Under the Eyes

 Common Causes of Dark Circles Under the Eyes. The presence of dark circles under the eyes is a common problem and is often accompanied by puffiness.

Dark circles under the eyes are usually attributed to fatigue, but there can be many reasons for this. Often, these dark circles are not a cause for concern and do not require any treatment.

These circles may bother you but the fact is that their presence is a normal part of the human personality.

However, knowing the reasons for the presence of dark circles may help you in this regard.


Too much or too little sleep and extreme fatigue are factors that lead to dark circles under the eyes.

Due to lack of sleep, the skin becomes dull and yellow, due to which dark tissues and blood vessels under the skin become visible. are

Dark circles under the eyes also appear with age.

As we age, the thickness of the skin decreases and the levels of fat and hormones that maintain elasticity decrease.

As this happens, the dark blood vessels under the skin become more prominent and the under-eye area becomes darker.

Pressure on the eyes
Staring at a computer or TV screen for hours can increase the pressure on the eyes. This pressure causes the blood vessels around the eyes to enlarge, resulting in a darker skin tone.

Allergic reactions and dry eyes can also cause dark circles. When the body does not have enough water, the skin under the eyes becomes discolored and the eyes look sunken.

More walking in the sun
Exercising in the sun increases the production of melanin, the hormone that maintains the color of the skin.

This results in the darkening of the area around the eyes.

Genetic elements
Family history also plays a role i.e. these dark circles can be inherited from parents to children. Thyroid diseases or other diseases can also cause dark circles under the eyes.

Deficiency of blood
During anemia or anemia, the body has fewer red blood cells than normal, causing symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, difficulty breathing, and fatigue.

Anemic individuals also have a more yellowish skin tone and may have dark circles under the eyes.

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