Episode No. 1 - Thought of Iqbal - Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem

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Episode No. 1 - Thought of Iqbal - Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem

Iqbal is also a poet and a thinker, he is also a sage and a poet, he is also a messenger of self and a mystic of rapture, he is also a critic of civilization and culture, a teacher of parents, he is also a preacher of Taqir Adam. Contempt is also painful for a person. In his speech, thought and remembrance is the same, and news and sight mirror each other. It is not an easy task to analyze and criticize the thoughts and expressions of the owner of such a universal heart and mind and master of wisdom and intuition.

He mostly used poetry as a medium of expression, because nature had made him Talmizur Rahman in this capacity.
It is difficult to derive a coherent theory of life and the universe from the words of a great poet. Poetry is not bound by logic and the task of the poet is not to present a system of philosophy logically.
Iqbal rarely presented his thoughts in prose, the reason being that his thought was never devoid of passion and he was not convinced to present the mystery of Hayat in prose reasoning.

He was not an admirer of Razi and Bu Ali, in his view there was always a scholar like Rumi, whose thought was not unsophisticated. Only this verse makes this difference clear:
Bo Ali inside Gharbar Naqa Gum
Roman blinds
If grasping the right is wisdom without inflammation
The poem is heart-warming
One who presents Iqbal's thoughts in prose interpretation and interpretation can never do full justice to him.
Goethe has well said that "Life is a green tree, but the ideas about it are yellow like autumn leaves." The only trick to save the essay from dryness can be that Iqbal's poems on every subject are plentiful. should be presented and these priceless pearls should be proffered about prose interpretation and criticism. The thread in the mala is worthless and insignificant compared to the pearls, but it performs a great service, without the thread, the pearls will remain scattered.
Despite the difficulties, it seems very important to bring Iqbal's thoughts into a relationship so that his view of life can be clear as a whole, but an intuitive and emotional thing like poetry cannot afford logical criticism and analysis, and the poet is without it. He gets up and says like Anwari But there is no other way to understand and explain.

Iqbal's speech can be seen and evaluated as mere poetry, although he has said that God may not forgive the person who called him a poet. He used to say that: "There is a possibility that in the future critics of poetry will exclude me from the list of poets" but there is a difference between poetry and poetry. Iqbal's poetry is the poetry that is the result of the poet's being Talmiz-ur-Rehman and which has been declared as a part of prophethood and which a teacher has called eloquent poetry.
Do not think that there are poems in the nation
Without poetry, things fall apart
He used to say that I did not focus on poetry as an art, it requires special effort and free time.

One of the scholars gave a technical criticism of the response and said that the poems can be improved in terms of language and idiom. In response to this, Allama said that I have marked more poems and words in my draft, regarding which I am not satisfied myself, but I need time to revise the words and correct the language, which I do not have. Even after the poet Ghara became famous all over the country, he kept postponing the publication of Bangdara's collection saying that many of the poems needed revision.
Despite this, his speech is a mirror of the perfections of the art as well. The reason for this is that he was made a poet by nature and according to Ghalib:
The desire of the poet himself came to become art
Among all the teachers of Urdu and Persian, hardly any other poet of this quality can be found who has never uttered a poem without his inner impulse. All of Iqbal's speech is the result of Awad, Awad has nothing to do with it.
That nature does automatically the hanabandi of Lale
In Iqbal's poe
try, all the requirements of speech are fulfilled without effort.

For man, language creates nature, but after that, the rules of grammar and syntax are derived from it, which are implicit in it, just as the tree, the tree, and the fruit create the spirit of nature, but the world After the creation of plants, he traces the laws through which research shows that the leafy tree is the office of the green knowledge worker.

In the words of a poet, the industry comes first and Afranish poetry comes second, but the opposite is the case with Talmizul Rahman.
The poem emerges in its frank nature with its rhythm and beauty, after which the critic of the poem sees that subtle industries have arisen in it automatically. The greatest Qadir-ul-Kaam poet, whose collection of words is equal to Iqbal's, can neither claim it nor any critic can claim that there is no flaw in his words:
Even if the speech is a miracle, it is not without high and low
All fingers are not the same
Even though Ghalib was a natural-born poet, he tried to make his poems technically perfect and neat. Despite this, his short collection in Urdu was criticized by critics and commentators for numerous flaws in language and idiom. The finger is the object axis.
It can be said with such a claim about Iqbal that despite being free from art, there will rarely be room for acceptable objection in his words. Despite Alama Iqbal's protests, it is impossible not to look at him as a poet, but Iqbal's poetry as art is a separate and permanent subject from Iqbal's philosophy of life.
The Holy Quran has analyzed the status of the poet and his lifestyle in brief but concise words in Surah Shayara.
The need for this came about because the opponents sometimes called the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam a Majin and sometimes called him a poet, and that is simply because the Qur'an has all the qualities of good poetry: similes, similes, metaphors, verses and verses, heart. No word, everything is perfect in this scripture. Unacquainted with the mysteries of life and unconcerned with the depths of the soul, it appeared to be the words of a poet. What are the poets of Ali Uloom and how can they be distinguished from the prophets?

Firstly, a mere poet cannot make a good leader. He does not have any specific view of life and purpose of life, he does not have any fixed destination towards which he moves with confidence and stability. He wanders through all the valleys of life and molds the scene which strikes him as an emergency into the mold of narrative. The waves of his feelings and impressions are not bound by any constitution, he is not a preacher of any particular code of life, because he does not live on a certain basis, and he does not consider himself bound by his There should be consistency in words and actions.

Being a sensitive nature, he has only impression and expression, but since his impression is contingent, it does not turn into a permanent intention and action:

"If a person, whose temperament is greedy and talkative, is taken as a leader, then he is misguided." 

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