Episode No. 18 - Thought of Iqbal - Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem

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Episode No. 18 - Thought of Iqbal - Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem

 In the next two poems, he reiterates his specific beliefs that luxury is eternal for the body or a kind of death for the mind if it destroys the desires by creating perfect peace and contentment. Life is demanding and fire is its instrument, if the fire is exhausted, the candle of life will also be extinguished, even if there is no circulation in the jam, it remains jammed, but if the demand and tension in the human soul are gone, then a man is not a man. could live:

Death is an eternal luxury, if you don't have it
Rotation is man and rotation is jam
Shama Sehar said that fire is the instrument of life
The condition in Amkadah is continuity
The glory of this message was that the students of Aligarh went on strike against the English teachers.
Iqbal was happy that freedom, self-reliance, and awareness had arisen among them and the spirit of rebellion against foreign rulers had emerged, but the general condition of the Nation of Islam and the status of the Aligarh College was such that for some time now It was right to follow the expediency of Syed Ahmad Khan. Muslims lost knowledge, wealth, and power after betrayal, India on one side and the British on the other side were angry with them and their opponents were determined to humiliate them, for a successful effort more academic struggle and more organization There was a need, so Iqbal advised the youth to be quiet and cautious for some time.
That is why he said in the verse:
Bada Hai Neem Ras Abhi, Shoab Hai Narsa Abhi
Let you remain on the head of grief, you clay church now
Since the passing of time, when this wind did not remain half-baked and some revolutions were fueled by employment and some by Iqbal's advice and wisdom, then no one fought more than Iqbal with his tongue, pen, heart, and mind that Islam and the Nation of Islam. K Khum Sahbay Kahn's mouth should be removed from the church to bring about the situation described by Atash in this notice:
Don't forget this advice The title of the third poem of Payamat sent from Europe is Payam Ishq, in which Iqbal's special meaning of love is very clear, although this article is so much a part of Iqbal's nature and the essence of religion that later thousands of poems He will not be satisfied even by saying that the whole thing has been said:
Listen, O student, if I feel pain in my side, then be sad
I belong to Ghaznavi Somnat Dil, so be damned
Here, Ishq is seeking Niaz from the lover, later this Niaz will reach perfection and take on the color of Naz and in his excitement, he will start hunting angels, prophets, and even God, but he will have to start with Niaz, but Here too, in the second poem, the aspect of love in love has become prominent:
Not affiliated with Kamal Shan Sikandri
All the goods are in your chest, even if you are a mirror maker
Love is not perfected by idle love or admiration, but by struggle and struggle. Muslims who have made the crescent a sign of knowledge, unconsciously find the symbol that the purpose of life is evolution, the crescent grows day by day with its rotation. As Badr develops, he becomes perfect, the destiny of man is or should be:
The goal is to find perfection in your life
If the obligation is ancient, then perform the prayer
In most religions, contentment and trust have been recommended a lot, by emphasizing and exaggerating this teaching, monasticism has become synonymous with spirituality in the higher religions, and religious people have turned away from civilization and the struggle of life. Called it a futile pastime and took the wrong meaning of destiny and sat down with their hands and feet broken, saying that what is destined will happen, what happens to our race with hard work and effort.
The true meaning of contentment and trust was clarified by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in knowledge and practice. Along with poverty, extreme efforts in the reform of civilization and culture were the distinguishing feature of Islam's education, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity in the East and the West all made the Turkic longing and the Turkic world the goal of the religion, Islam is a powerful force against this. There was a protest, but non-Islamic teachings were gradually embedded in Muslims themselves, and life-threatening Sufism reached the point that:
Turk world, Turk rear, Turk moola, Turk Turk
God's love was made such a discrete and negative thing that the love of all things and persons and all the values of life, the love of God was opposed to it and excluded from it.
When a person considers something as good, he will desire to achieve it. If there is no love for a cause, who will fight for it? Iqbal considered it necessary to exclude this non-Islamic monastic element from the beliefs of Muslims and to conduct an academic and practical jihad against the Sufism that taught this and to teach Muslims the true meaning of poverty, submission, satisfaction, and fate. Explain:
Do not be satisfied with the flowers, the glory is based on this
True love does not require the solitude of caves or climbing the desert, it should burn like a candle for the sake of the party, the flame of love should be used in the construction of the nation: those days are gone, and now is the time of desert climbing.
Where I become like a burning candle in a gathering
The soul of the nation is a deeper, wider reality than the soul of the individual, the individual self is a virtual reality compared to the nation:
The existence of individuals is virtual, the entity is the real nation

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