Episode No. 3 - Thought of Iqbal - Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem

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Episode No. 3 - Thought of Iqbal - Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem

 A few words

Ustad Makram Mr. Dr. Waheed Qureshi Madzala-ul-Aali wished that the late Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem's waqf book "Fikr Iqbal" should be republished along with the addition of footnotes and appendices, then the importance of the book would be doubled. In this regard, the draw fell in the name of Khaksar. Undoubtedly, it is Ustad Makram's love and compassion and my happiness that he recognized me as such.
Rakim had studied "Fiqr Iqbal" during his student days. Now, I had to study it again for the above-mentioned work, then I noticed some things in the book which were very necessary for its health, printing, and publication.

  First of all, there were some obscene printing errors in the book, some sentences were not connected it was also a printing fault that some half of a word was left as it was or a whole line was lost.
Rakim has tried to avoid these kinds of mistakes in the book, for that, it was necessary to read the book word by word and Rakim has done the same.

The late Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem has given references to many Persian and Urdu poems in addition to Quranic verses in this book. As mentioned at the beginning of Hawashi, he used memory instead of directly using the relevant book or collection of words to give the correct reference (in the form of poetry or verse) and this became a hindrance in the matter of attestation.

  Apart from changing the words in the poems, the deceased also changed the order of the stanzas and this has happened in several poems, not only this but also in a few verses, due to the same memory, he moved the words back and forth. All these shortcomings have been removed by the grace of Allah. It should be noted that the fifth edition of "Fikr Iqbal" about Hawashi etc. was given to Rakim.
The poems of Hazrat Allama in Fiqr Iqbal, which have come as examples, have been given the name of their related collection of Kalam in the footnotes (and the form of the poem in the text has been corrected concerning the relevant collection of Kalam) so that the reader can get more details. And can refer from there for study. The poems of other poets that have appeared in the text have been given the name of the poet in addition to giving their correct form in the footnotes.

In this regard, Rakim admits that despite his best efforts, references to some poems could not be found, however, this effort is still ongoing, and references to such poems may be available in the future. At the beginning of the book, the late Khalifa. has given brief life circumstances that every reader wants to know something about the author of any book. Also, this background helps to some extent to understand the book concerned and the mind of the author himself.

Rakim has no claim about his work, however, Rakim has certainly done this work with full sincerity and great dedication and I hope that the readers will trust my sincerity and dedication.
In the end, Raqim is extremely grateful to his dear teacher who encouraged Raqim immensely by choosing him for important service.

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