Episode No. 5 - Thought of Iqbal - Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem

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Episode No. 5 - Thought of Iqbal - Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem

 Iqbal F. He had passed the A exam from Mission College Sialkot, at that time he got a rare opportunity to get a job from a visionary teacher. Maulana Mir Hasan was a scholar of Urdu, Persian, and Arabic and despite having a perfect knowledge of Islam, he was not a dry milla. He was one of the admirers of Sir Syed. Teachers were also impressed.

  It is known that during this period, Iqbal studied the poetry of Urdu and Persian teachers a lot and Maulana Mir Hasan helped this budding poet in developing the right taste for poetry. Maulana Mir Hasan's knowledge and morals were such that Iqbal used to consider him as his mentor in knowledge and morals till the end of his life. In this matter, Iqbal was fortunate from the beginning that he had access to high-class teachers at every level of education... His good fortune was shared by him from birth.

  His first and natural teachers were his parents. Rakim al-Haruf also agreed to meet his father, Majid Sheikh Noor Muhammad Sahib, at the time when Allama Iqbal was living in Anar Kali. He was indeed Asm Bamsmi, Noor Mohammadi was evident on his face. There was also a Muhammadan quality in him that he was an Ami in terms of writing and reading like the Prophet Ami, he was a divine Sufi.
Iqbal inherited the taste of pure Islamic Sufism from his father. Maulana Rum has enthusiastically said in a poem about the Arifs who have reached high places that: "They become hunters." (After that they cast their net on the angels, after that, they hunt the Prophets to acquire prophetic qualities and finally their tyranny remains until God also comes under their wrap:)
Bazir Kangra Kibriash Mardanand
Ferishta Sayyid and Pember Shikar and Yazdan Gir
Iqbal has repeated the same subject in his poem with a little disdain:
Dar Dasht Junoon Min Jibreel Zabuon Saide
Yazdan Bukmand Awar O brave man
Now I would like to submit why this poem of Maulana Rum came to mind while mentioning Iqbal's Arif father: "In the very first meeting, Sheikh Noor Muhammad Sahib told me an interesting story of Iqbal's birth, he said: "Iqbal was still in his mother's womb when I had a strange dream. I saw that a very beautiful bird was flying a little above the ground and many people were raising their hands and jumping to try to catch it. but he was not caught by anyone, I was also standing among those spectators and I wanted to get this bird of extraordinary beauty in my hands, that bird jumped into my embrace, I was very happy and others After some time, I got the interpretation of this dream that the bird is my child born in the spiritual world, who will be Sahib Iqbal.
After Iqbal's achievement and fame, I became convinced of the correctness of my interpretation.
In the universe, spirits are represented as birds. It is in the Gospel that the Holy Spirit appeared to descend on the earth in the form of an angel. Sheikh Noor Muhammad came across a rare soul from the world of spirits as a victim. Arif Rumi rightly said that: "When a certain level of spiritual development is reached, the same kind of victims come to the hands of Arifs."
Allama Iqbal told me one day that: "The late father also had unusual spiritual observations." He said that the statement of the late mother was: "It was a night, there was no light in the room, and when I opened my eyes I saw it." That the room was all bright although there was neither moonlight nor lamp outside.
There is no doubt that Iqbal's mind was nurtured in a long series of education, but he received spiritual food from his father along with physical tastes. Approaching old age, Iqbal remembered his mother fondly and attributed his excellence to her.
  Iqbal used to say at the end of his life: "I did not get my view of life through philosophical research, I inherited a certain perspective on life. Later, I used reason and reason to prove it. Is.
"The first teachers of a man are his parents and the impressions of what is received consciously and unconsciously from the mother are very deep and indelible. Along with his parents, he got a scholarly, literary, moral teacher like Maulana Mir Hasan, and the character and insights of this teacher became a part of Iqbal's nature. He certainly received extraordinary grace from Maulana Mir Hasan in poetry and speech.
F in Sialkot. During the time of A, Iqbal may have preached many exercises but he did not consider them worthy of preservation. B. He came to Lahore Government College for the education of A. His poetry began to flourish in his company. His poetry started to be discussed in the circle of special friends from his classmates. At that time, mushairas had become a practice in Lahore. Hali and Azad had created a passion for poetry among the talented youth of Lahore. Arshad Gour Gani also lived in Lahore for some time, he was a pogo and intuitive poet, but his language was Taksali, he was called a good poet and a good critic of poetry. The Kashmiris of Lahore had also established a Majlis Mushairah, whose leader was Muhammad Deen Fawk#, who was the editor of "Akhbar Kashmiri" and the author of several books on Kashmir. During his college days, Iqbal was seen for the first time in this Kashmiri play. Iqbal recited this quatrain about Kashmir in a meeting of the same mushaira:
O nation of measures, this is a measure
This is why respect increases in the eyes
It means hidden in the shell of brotherhood
Live in the world of Mill like the letters of Kashmir
This is the same time that Mirza Dagh's correspondence students were spread all over India and Mirza Dagh opened a department of poetry at home.
Iqbal was a disciple of Dagh for only a few days. It has been heard that Dagh sent him something after correcting a few ghazals that your words no longer need correction. The subject of Dagh's poetry was lust instead of love, but there was no better teacher in Urdu than him in the country. This claim of Dagh was proven and Muslim:
Urdu is the name known to us as Dagh
Dhoom in India belongs to our language
On the death of Dagh, hundreds of his disciples wrote obituaries, whose names and traces are now nowhere, but the obituary written by Iqbal is a true picture of the achievements of Dagh and it also shows how much Iqbal appreciated Dagh's words. was impressed.
Iqbal was not a poet of Ishq Majaji, but just as a practice speech, Iqbal recited some ghazals of artificial love, which later he deleted as a wrong letter. It was during this early period that Iqbal realized that he should be freed from the limitations of Delhi and Lucknow poetry and create perfection in his style. The verse of the ghazal recited by Iqbal in the first mushaira was:
Iqbal is not from Lucknow by heart
We are the captives of perfection
Some memorable ghazals of this early period exist in Bangdara.
From these ghazals, it is known that Jabja is practicing the language of Dagh, the subject is also the same Dagh, sometimes he takes out poems in the style of Dagh, and in the matter of language, he even stumbles in some places:
We should not have repeated it
But what was wrong with the promise?
Ar is masculine among the people of the language.
Beyond this, three verses can be placed in the ghazal of Dagh:
Your messenger revealed all the secrets He scolded his lover in a frenzy
Tri Ankh Masti was smart But what kind of denial was this?
But even in this period of practice and imitation, glimpses of this Iqbal can be seen, whose glory was soon to emerge from the horizon.
The poetry of this period should be called the dawn of Iqbal's poetry, whose light is the precursor of the sunrise, the rays of wisdom and philosophy are visible in the traditional subjects of ghazal. A verse of a ghazal that has been an entertaining subject of Rind and Sufi poets for centuries has hurt the sermon:
The piety of the sermon is amazing, Lord
Enmity is everywhere
The tricks of the sermon are very subtle
The voice shakes with the call
But this short ghazal also contains wise words:
No one has yet understood that man From there the night has got darkness
Where did the star shine?

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