Episode No. 7 - Thought of Iqbal - Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem

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Episode No. 7 - Thought of Iqbal - Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem

 Muslims were taught by Islam that the government should be governed by scholars and peace and the advice of the wise state, but only a few years after the rise of Islam, they forgot all the lessons of wisdom and freedom, the result of which is the history of Muslims. There is a tragic side.

Arabs did not have a lot of imagination and subject creation in their national and physical poetry, but there was truth and sincerity.
Ajam became subservient to Islam politically, but the Ajami traditions of kingship changed the Islamic caliphate into a monarchy, and the people of the state, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, became alienated from freedom and equality. It had a very bad effect on poetry, upon reaching Ajam, he first started reciting qasida in Arabic and after that in Persian, he started mixing the hinges of earth and heaven in the false praises of kings and nobles.
When the poets saw that lies are promoted, they tried to outdo each other in lying and exaggeration, spirituality and morality became a part of poetry, and no one could sincerely express natural and true feelings. Raha, Randi, drinking, and lust became the subject of poetry, and from Rudgi to Kaaani, this bad attitude progressed. This is the situation of all the others, except for a few high-ranking, pious, and Sufi poets, this distorted form of literature, in front of Urdu poets, male love was replaced by immortality.
In this idiosyncratic type of practice speech, the finesse and punctuation of the language developed, but the subject matter remained largely nonsensical.
Sufism, whose real mission was to lead from self-realization to divine realization, also deviated from the path of truth due to non-Islamic subversive elements. Some slavish and licentious life and some dubious philosophies have shaken the foundations of faith and action, all kinds of tyranny have built up the belief of coercion instead of authority among the people, and the people were advised that the rulers of the state are only the king. You know, the donkeys should not object or protest, whatever happens, it happens by God's will. In support of this, the listener affirms that yes, I am seeing stars.
The asceticism of the ascetic and the rebellion of the ascetic, the worship of the worshiper, and the transgression of the transgressor are all the will of God, before which it is not the duty of the believer to die. : So that the glory of this factory does not diminish
You are ascetic, and you are guilty
Hafiz, don't wear this shirt while intoxicated
O Shaykh Paka Daman, disabled
The good name of the crow did not pass
Falling in favor of changing the mood
Life is not something anyone can understand:
It is a mystery to understand and not explain
Life is the dream of a madman
Now when something cannot be understood, what should be done except to sing, play, drink, and be merry:
The hadith is inferior to the narrator and the narrator
What is the wisdom of the puzzle?
All these ideas were mixed with mystical thoughts in such a way that all these beliefs and viewpoints became a religion.
True philosophy is the name of the search for truth through freedom of thought and this search is done with the acknowledgment and belief that God has given intellect so that through observation and reflection the essence and attributes of the real being can be known as much as possible. Actions should then be adapted to this discovered wisdom. The work of Sufism was even more profound mysticism and purification of the heart, but the poetry of the Muslims remained, at the lowest level, art for art's sake or art for the sake of wealth and ambition. What has been said about all Persian poetry? It does not apply, after all, Saadi and Rumi and Sanai and Attar are also poets, high-level wise words are also found scattered in some poets, but in the storm of poetry, these gems are sometimes rare and rare. No one can say that Iqbal did not benefit from Ajami's poetry or that the songs of Ajam are not in his poems, but even though the instrument is of the same color and harmony, the theme and impression of Iqbal's songs are very different. Iqbal has worked with "Khudma Safa wa Da Makdar" by keeping the scroll of all Urdu and Persian poetry in front of him.
There is no doubt that in the beginning the direction of Iqbal's poetry was changed by the influence of the West, the scenes in Urdu and Persian were not equal to nature poetry, what we find about Gulzar and Kohsar in Persian is not imitation but imagination. Iran is a country with a good climate and gardens and spring, but compared to English poetry, its capital poem on this subject is not even Asher Ashir, the poetry of love of country and nation is also missing, because no poet has love. There was no homeland and no national spirit.
Tribalism was strongly present in the ancient Arabic poets, so they could legitimately or illegitimately arouse the feelings of their tribe to encourage the members of the tribe and encourage them to act, sacrifice, and be brave. This sentiment is found in English poetry.
  Persian poetry is called the poetry of the flower and the bulbul, but the Iranian poets used the flower and the bulbul only as an allegory and metaphor in the description of their false love. His statement is not found anywhere. The English poet uses imagination to highlight reality, for his imagination is not a spider's web. The influence of English poetry is dominant in Iqbal's poems till 1905, many poems are free and charming translations of English poems.
Many poems are not been translated, but the style of impression, thought and style of expression is English. A grand chain like the Himalayas, Kuhsar, whose glory and beauty cannot be found anywhere else on the planet, what is the reason why no poet before Iqbal was inspired by it and wrote a single poem? Similarly, taking the subject of Badal, Urdu, and Persian do not find any poem on Abar as Abar, although there are many poems related to Badals with alcoholism as the motive:
My intentions change
The path of the angels is blocked by the cloud
Whatever you do is rewarded today
A poet bound by Urdu and Persian traditions would write a poem about spiders and bees and mountains and squirrels.
The best influence of the western poet on Iqbal was that he avoided artificial and unrealistic poetry. No good English poet writes a poem for the mere artifice and expression of perfection without a deeply personal impression.
Iqbal is also a poet of such a nature, he told his friends many times that I cannot write poetry on the demand of others, so sometimes a long period passes without writing a poem.
I don't write poetry until some great internal or external stimulus creates a song or cry from my nature. Ghalib was also made a poet by nature, but he fell victim to many wrong traditions of poetry. In one letter, he says that poetry is not about measuring rhymes but creating essays. In another place, he says about himself that "Nguyim if there are no nags" but For Iqbal, poetry is neither rhyming, essay creation, nor prose. A good poem is born from the inner requirement of the poet's nature, this requirement automatically creates rhyme and essay and the poem that comes out of this arrival is also a poem. Maulana Rum says about himself:
I don't want to always do things
The poem may goyim by the water of life

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