Episode No. 8 - Fikr-e-Iqbal - Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem

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Episode No. 8 - Fikr-e-Iqbal - Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem

In 1905, Iqbal's age was nearly thirty years, until this age, the thoughts and emotions of an intelligent and sophisticated person become a lot and after this age, there is rarely any fundamental change in a person.
It may be that some plants that have been planted up to this age will later grow to be tall and tall, and they will produce abundant leaves and fruits, or that some things will still be dust in the ground of nature up to this age. Be there like a covered seed and go ahead and let it grow and blossom in the open air.

Until this year, Iqbal's speech is found in "Bang Dara" on more than a hundred pages, there are all kinds of poems in it, in these poems, poetry has not yet become a part of prophethood. But even in these poems, there is breadth, depth, and diversity of thoughts and those thoughts and expressions are also present, which later became Iqbal's specific message and his distinguishing feature.
In these poems, Iqbal also finds that the insight and intuition of the heart are superior to sensory perception and reasoned intellect. It will become fashionable, the taste for revolution and evolution is not extinct, and the love of country is strongly present, but it is not present in the way of universal human sympathy and universal brotherhood. What Iqbal wrote later is also present in these poems.
Take for example the contradiction or conflict between mind and heart and their mutual compatibility or opposition is always present at the lower levels of life, low-level lust or high-level love, this conflict must be found in some form or the other. goes, its lowest form is:
The heart says that its sincerity is a pity
Aql says that he is the friend of the untouchable
And the supreme situation is that the intellect is caught in doubt and the heart is a seeker of faith, the intellect thinks in terms of benefit and harm and disgrace and name and advises to be careful and love falls on a candle like a butterfly.
If they always accept the guidance of reason, then adventure will disappear in them, Bernard Shah has said well in his unique style that: "Big revolutions and developments in human life have come about thanks to the irrational, they who Wanted to say or do something, every cautious wise man tried to stop them, but they did not listen to anyone. The paradox of wisdom is the special subject of Sufiya, there are hundreds of poems on this subject in Maulana Rum:
Aql dar Sharesh Cho Khar dar Gul Bakhft
Share Ishq wa Ashiki Hum Ishq Ghaft
Iqbal went ahead in his prophetic poetry and adopted and warmed it in such a way that he left behind all the Sufis and lovers in the diversity of narration and point-making.
Iqbal has said once in his early poems with some hesitation and caution:
It is good to be with the heart and keep the mind
But sometimes leave it alone
But the simple and smooth poem written under the title of Aql and Dil has a dialogue between Aql and Dil and the fact is that no one can present the nature of Aql or the specific status of heart in a few poems better than this one. Later, Iqbal wrote hundreds of poems on this subject, but all of them are the same simple verses:
Aql said this to his heart one day
I am the leader of Bhole Bhatke Look how far I am
Work is leadership in the world
I am like Khizr
I am the interpreter of the Book of Being
I am the epitome of Shaan Kabria
But if the drop is of blood
I am proud
Dil heard and said that all this is true
But look at me too, what am I?
The secret understands the entity
And I see with my eyes
You are related to phenomena
And I am familiar with the inside
Knowledge from you, knowledge from me
So, God, I am like God
Eagerness is the end of knowledge
I am the medicine of this disease
The candle is the gathering of righteousness
I am the gift of Hassan
So there is a relationship between time and space
I am familiar with Tayir Sadra
At what height is the location of Mara?
I belong to the Throne of the Lord of Glory
Iqbal wrote hundreds of eloquent poems in Urdu and Persian on the comparison and issue of intellect and love.
This article appears again and again in a thousand colors in his nature and every time there is a new enthusiasm and innovation in the style of expression, but in all this mysticism, intuition, and all philosophy there is no single point which is in this small poem. Be not present, this poem is a masterpiece of simplicity in Iqbal's poems.


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