Sleep is the most important process of our life which is very important for the health of both body and mind.

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Sleep is the most important process of our life which is very important for the health of both body and mind.

 Sleep is the most important process of our life which is very important for the health of both body and mind.

But do you know what effects it has on the body if you are used to sleeping less than 5 hours a day?

It will be hard to believe but this one habit can lead to various diseases while other problems are different. Needless to say that in the present era, people have become accustomed to staying up late at night due to smart devices.

To learn about the effects of insufficient sleep on the body.

to be sick
Lack of sleep has negative effects on the body's ability to fight disease and makes you more susceptible to illness.

Lack of sleep weakens the immune system, which results in more susceptibility to colds or similar common illnesses.

The heart is affected
Both short (less than 5 hours) and long durations (9 or more hours) of sleep have negative effects on heart health.

In particular, lack of sleep significantly increases the risk of heart disease or stroke.

The risk of cancer increases
Lack of sleep increases the risk of breast cancer, and colon and bladder cancer.

But the good news is that this risk can be reduced by ensuring 7 to 8 hours of sleep daily.

The mind does not work
A bad night's sleep also affects the brain's ability to think.

One study found that a disrupted night's sleep made it harder for people to perform mental tasks.

Abilities like memory, decision-making, logic, and problem-solving are affected by lack of sleep.

They become wanderers
Lack of sleep not only makes you forget things or things, but it also has negative effects on learning and memory.

Medical research has indicated that sleep is crucial for memory management, without which it becomes difficult for the brain to store new information in memory.

Body weight gain
Lack of sleep can also lead to obesity.

A recent study of over 21,000 people examined the relationship between sleep and body weight.

The results of the study lasting for 3 years showed that those who slept for 5 hours a day gained significantly more weight during this period.

In contrast, 7 to 8 hours of sleep can help maintain a healthy body weight.

The risk of developing diabetes increases
Along with weight gain, the risk of diabetes also increases in people suffering from sleep deprivation.

A study found that sleeping less than 6 hours resulted in increased insulin resistance, which also increased the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Facing traffic accidents
The risk of traffic accidents is 3 times higher for people who sleep less than 6 hours.

The American National Sleep Foundation has told people that if they are sleep deprived, think twice before driving.

Face problems quickly
If medical problems can't convince you to sleep more, do it for your personality.

A study of people between the ages of 30 and 50 found that lack of sleep increases the risk of facial wrinkles and skin discoloration.

And yes, due to this habit, the skin starts to hang loosely.

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