The excavations carried out in the last 10 months have revealed very interesting facts as a result of analysis and experiments. Nu" took the name Chinyut.

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The excavations carried out in the last 10 months have revealed very interesting facts as a result of analysis and experiments. Nu" took the name Chinyut.

 The excavations carried out in the last 10 months have revealed very interesting facts as a result of analysis and experiments. Nu" took the name Chinyut. Between the city and the river, the mountainous cliffs on the northern side give Chiniot a unique position.

Rich in cultural diversity, the city of Chinyut on the right bank of river Chenab was known for its Islamic festivals, special furniture, games and sportsmen, unique cuisines, and geniuses in various walks of life, but now Chinyut is prosperous and fertile. The soil has become the focus of global attention for yielding gold, silver, copper, and iron.

Excavations carried out in the last 10 months have revealed very pleasing facts as a result of analysis and experiments. Chinese experts have completed a survey of 28 square miles during this period and wherever they have excavated, they have found iron ore of the best quality. And signs of extensive copper deposits have been found.

If the price of iron ore is 80 dollars per ton, then copper ore sells at the rate of 6000 dollars per ton in the world market. Compared to other provinces of Pakistan, Punjab lacks mineral resources. There are no significant reserves of gas and oil, nor is there any large amount of coal that can bring prosperity to our economy. Under these circumstances, we should have included the mining of these magnificent deposits of iron and copper among our top priorities and utilized them as soon as possible to improve our economy.
But alas alas! Like many other projects related to the national economy, this project also fell victim to the corruption and incompetence of the previous government. According to the investigation so far in Chiniot, there are only so many deposits of iron ore that our Karachi steel mills running on imported raw materials can run for 50 years. Not only this, but according to the geological survey, these deposits are equal to the world's best iron deposits found in Brazil and Russia.

The previous government allowed the project to be incredibly criminalized. The Punjab Mineral Development Corporation started measuring the quality and quantity of these deposits in 2007. But the government of that time gave the exploration, measurement, and trading rights of these reserves discovered in Punjab to an anonymous American company "Earth Resources Private Limited" without any tenders.
As a result of this flawed deal on dubious grounds, the said company gained access to these reserves worth billions of dollars. When the scandal came to light, a full investigation was ordered. As a result of which this dubious deal was uncovered. Later, the Lahore High Court quashed it by order and issued an order to the Punjab government to hand over the matter to the NAB.
The court said in clear words that this contract for the exploration of iron ore worth 30 to 35 billion dollars with the so-called company has been made without keeping the national interest in front. The court in its judgment also wrote that the company was awarded the job of prospecting without any competitive advertisement. The court also said that the company has no experience in prospecting for mineral deposits.

Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif decided to go ahead with the project soon after coming to power. But in 2010, the company he created for this purpose turned out to be very disappointing. Even for three years, this company could not pre-qualify any firm. The situation in the Mineral Development Department of Punjab was no different. But the intention was good and the intentions were high. During this period, three secretaries of the department had to be changed. On the one hand, some of the big names on the board proved to be examples of "high-end shops and dull dishes" due to the inaction of the ordinary members of the company. But with the guidance and support of Dr. Samrambarak, the project progressed rapidly.
The highest requirements of transparency and laws and regulations have been taken into account while awarding the contract for the measurement of metal deposits.
In addition to the national press, advertisements for this contract were published in international newspapers as well. As a result of these advertisements, 12 consortiums of 33 international repute from 11 different countries participated in the bidding. After going through the evaluation stages and technical requirements, the Metallurgical Corporation of China (MCC) was awarded the best bid. MCC China ranks among the top 500 companies in the world thanks to its excellent scientific research, design, and construction.
Before this, the firm is working to acquire copper and gold deposits in the Sendak area of Balochistan.A new approach has been adopted by abandoning this model in search of precious deposits in the Chiniot region, which had become the compulsion of third-world countries. According to this model, foreign companies would acquire areas with valuable reserves on a small lease, and the countries owning the reserves would receive nothing but a small royalty. But the Punjab government is paying every penny spent on the Chiniot project from its resources and budget.
The project will provide numerous employment opportunities in Punjab and will be an important milestone in achieving the goal of national development and prosperity along with the prosperity and development of the region. If these treasures are found in this land of poor people, then the fate of generations of Pakistan can be improved. The largest steel mills in the region will be set up here based on high-quality iron ore from Chiniot, which will provide jobs to local youth and engineers.
In a similar gathering held on April 2 of the same year, Dr. Samar Mubarak Mand, chairman of Punjab Mineral Corporation, said in his speech that he strongly hoped that copper deposits would also be found in this place.
He also said that where there is copper, there are chances of the presence of gold and silver. The good news is that according to the reports so far, not only iron ore but also vast deposits of copper have been identified in the Chiniot region. Inshallah, silver will also come out of Chiniot. Gold will also come out and, God willing, these metals coming out of this region will change the destiny not only of this region, not only of Punjab but of the whole of Pakistan.

A ceremony regarding the confirmation of iron ore, copper, and gold reserves in Chiniot Raghha was held near Tangra village, where samples of underground iron and other precious metals were obtained. Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif inspected the drilling process and saw samples of certified iron ore and other precious metals.
It is worth mentioning that Chief Minister Punjab Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif signed an iron ore prospecting agreement with a Chinese company on April 2, 2014, during a ceremony held in Chiniot, and within a few months, the nation was given the good news of the presence of iron ore and gold deposits. In the ceremony, Chinese and German experts gave a briefing about the quality and quantity of mineral deposits.
The Chief Minister of Punjab while welcoming Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif to the ceremony of announcing the good news to the nation regarding the discovery of valuable mineral treasure said that today is a great day in the history of Pakistan. After the confirmation, the federal ministers, other officers of the biennial and district administration, and elders of the area were also present in the congratulatory ceremony organized in the drilling area.

Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif termed the progress made on the project regarding the confirmation of iron ore, copper, and gold reserves in Chiniot as a great gift to the country and the nation and said that Chief Minister Punjab Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif and his team are working very hard. However, we all have to work harder for the welfare and development of the nation.

Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif appreciated the efforts of Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif. Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif visited the site in the Chiniot area from where samples of these valuable treasures were obtained and on this occasion, a special briefing was also given to Chief Minister Punjab. Later, the Chief Minister himself informed Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif about the important features of the project. The Chief Minister looked very happy and excited on this occasion and his face was full of happy expressions.

In his address, the Chief Minister severely criticized the former ruler of Punjab for being criminally negligent on this project of national importance and awarding the contract to a so-called company without tendering and expressed his regret for the illegal contract of this project during his tenure. While reciting the following poems during his speech, the Chief Minister said that I have been reciting these poems for the past 6 years while addressing various events and today, while giving the good news to the nation about the treasures found in Chiniot Raqqa, it seems that my dreams are reflected in these poems. has been interpreted.

When his caravan leaves with determination and conviction
The way will come from wherever you want
Let the soil of the homeland rub my heels
I believe the fountain will come from here
Chief Minister Punjab Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif while addressing the participants of the event organized on the occasion of the discovery of iron and copper reserves in Raghha said that there are valuable treasures in the land of Chiniot Raghha which will change the destiny of the nation, poverty and unemployment will be buried. Will be.
Kishkol Gaadi will be broken and Pakistan will get a prestigious position in the international community. We started with good intentions and hard work to find iron ore from this land of saints, but we have found copper and gold treasures here along with iron ore. These treasures are owned not only by the 10 crore people of Punjab but also by the 18 crore people of Pakistan.

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