The Journey of Truth - Sadruddin Hashwani

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The Journey of Truth - Sadruddin Hashwani

 Names of the youth of Pakistan:

Who am I and why did I feel the need to entrust this dog? This book is a witness and full reflection of my life's ups and downs, I have written it with the same enthusiasm, energetic spirit, and happy hope with the help of which I have lived my colorful and varied life. A life surrounded by clusters of well-wishers and crowds of detractors. On the one hand, the happy colors of the world were inspiring me, on the other hand, its negative energies were standing in my way step by step and breath by breath. Nevertheless, I continued on the highway of life. I didn't stop... I didn't stay... I didn't stumble... and... I wondered. As a result, I was well on my way to reaching my goals. I have completed the journey of life successfully. I have been able to achieve all this through tireless hard work and constant struggle. In this context, I dedicate this book to the young men and women of Pakistan, which is located at the junction of South and Central Asia. My prayer is that this book of mine gives them the light of consciousness and understanding. I also pray that this effort of mine will prove to be a guide and helper for them in all the vicissitudes of life. It is my heartfelt wish and desire that this book will be a beacon of hope for the youth surrounded by despair. I want the ray of hope and optimism that illuminates my mind to lead the youth to the promise of a better Pakistan and a brighter future. A better Pakistan and a bright future where 20 crore people are active in creating a just, clean, and prosperous society because it is their privilege.
Memoirs are usually based on the mention of life's triumphs. I do not want to make this book an advertisement of my achievements, but through this book, I want to thank my country, people, and above all God Almighty who has given me the charity of my wishes, aspirations, and good wishes. Even if I try a million times, I cannot thank the gracious and generous Lord.

If the conditions of Pakistan were favorable, the ambitions of the rulers were sincere and the actions were people-friendly and pro-state, then the life of the people of this country would be comfortable and prosperous. But unfortunately, the situation in Pakistan has never been so pleasant. This book is not just an album and collection of my achievements and business victories, but it is the life story of an entrepreneur who had to fight against corrupt politicians, dictators, and oppressive circumstances to establish a business enterprise.

I believe that the first condition and ultimate guarantee for the establishment, stability, and development of any business enterprise is transparency. Opportunities for the promotion of employment are born from the womb of transparency. Transparency and opportunity are not elements that politicians and dictators need in their public lives. This is why creating attractive employment opportunities through transparency has never been the top priority of corrupt politicians and dictators. They use the youth generation as a weapon for political purposes by raising the slogan of providing jobs to fulfill their interests. They just fake and make happy promises. They do not intentionally create employment and job opportunities so that poverty spreads in society and they can achieve their ulterior motives by raising cheap and sentimental slogans like "Poverty Macau". It is a pity that this unfortunate situation has been the fate of Pakistan for more than six and a half decades. My family has been living in Pakistan for the last seven generations. It is certainly no exaggeration and self-congratulation when I say that my conscious life as a member of an independent nation has made history for Pakistan. I am an eyewitness to the economic ups and downs, social ups and downs, successes and failures in the field of sports, and recessions created by reckless rulers in the history of this land. I am also well aware of the feelings and thoughts arising from the innocent dreams of the Pakistani people, the nameless fears born inside them, and the terrible nightmares. I think that I am nothing without Pakistan. I am familiar with this country and its history not only because I was born here or because I love this country, but because I am familiar with this country and its history because I walked side by side with this country. I grew up and became young. Therefore, I can say that I and Pakistan are of the same age. In 1947, Pakistan came into existence as an independent country and with its establishment, millions of people had golden expectations and aspirations. It was a region rich in human and natural resources and also had countless agricultural resources. It was a country with an industrial base and rich mineral reserves. It had one of the most magnificent ports in Asia that came into existence after the Second World War in Karachi. Karachi was an important city of this nascent state, which was the cradle of colors, lights, songs, and happiness. Its citizens were well aware of their responsibilities and they were also young and courageous and determined to build a country where all citizens, regardless of their background, rich or poor, lived with an equal sense of security. They were united and Karachi was known as Mini Pakistan. There was no prejudice and hatred of any kind then. The patriotic citizens wished that this city should remain a hotbed of love. This was his wish and dream.

Unfortunately, this dream was only partially realized. Today, Pakistan is facing major difficulties and problems in terms of public relations, and at the global level, it is now characterized by violence, instability, deep-rooted corruption, the shadow of unemployment, power outages, and economic degradation. The question arises. Why did this identity of my country? For the past 40 years, the crisis in neighboring Afghanistan has been a source of suffering and problems for Pakistan. Due to successive attacks on Afghanistan by the Soviet Union in 1979 and by the Americans and its allies in 2001, Pakistan is making a concerted exercise of these forces, which has caused irreparable losses to Pakistan in the fields of resources, economic stability, and law and order. Whether this loss is in the form of taking care of 30 lakh Afghan refugees or the loss of lives of thousands of civilians and soldiers through bullets, bombs, terrorism, and suicide attacks, it is a bitter truth that international terrorism Pakistan has sacrificed more than any other country in the war.
For the world's superpowers, the war in Afghanistan in 1979 and the wars that started in 2001 are just rich chess moves. If I may be allowed to speak in sign language, an unfamiliar and alien game is being played on the scene, like a video or computer game. The purpose of this game is to make Pakistan look like a battlefield. Everyone knows that these wars and battles are practically and emotionally harmful to Pakistan. These long wars and battles have swallowed the energies of two generations of our people. As a result of all these situations, it was found that the identity of Pakistan was damaged at the international level. It is a painful fact that the land of Pakistan emerged on the world scene in such a mutilated and mutilated form that no true Pakistani and true follower of Islam could have imagined.
How did we reach this undesirable situation and how can we get out of this situation? These are the questions I have raised in this book and I have tried my best to find answers to these questions through my life observations and professional experiences. I have no difficulty in admitting that I am not an intellectual. I did not learn about the world through books and doctoral theses. I got to know the world through practical experiences. I have tasted sleep in the back of trucks in the cold deserts of Balochistan and slept in five-star hotel rooms. Alhamdulillah! I am privileged to have gained knowledge and awareness from these two experiences and I have never closed the door to learning and acquiring knowledge about myself. Of course, if you follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), give up material comforts. And focus on the maturity of your soul, so it doesn't matter whether you sleep under the open sky, sleep in a desert with sand falling on your face as you sleep, or lie down on a soft mattress in an air-conditioned room.

writing this book to tell you:
I am not writing this book to tell you how I traveled from the desert to the hotel room, how I went from being a very poor and middle-class person to a position where I have everything in abundance by the grace of Allah. And this is not something to brag about or write anything about. It is all in vain. I will try to explain that although I have been associated with many companies and enterprises. But the institution that gives me the most satisfaction is the Hasho Foundation, the chairperson of which is my daughter Sara Hashwani. Has worked in fields like education. The foundation also contributed to successful skills training projects for Afghan refugees in Pakistan. The Hasho Foundation also has the honor of teaching the underprivileged to improve their lives during the war against poverty and in this context helping nearly half a million people to stand on their feet. I commend the achievements of the Hasho Foundation. No desire to do so. Undoubtedly, I am thankful to Allah Almighty for this special status and special position that He has chosen me to help Pakistani brothers and sisters apart from other human beings like me. In the words of the Qur'an, it is the grace of Allah, He gives it to whom He wills. I never did this work to make a name and status and despite this fact, friends insisted that I mention Hasho Foundation and its humanitarian activities in this book, but this is not my intention at all. This work is only for inner satisfaction. And is for deep satisfaction. It is an answer to Allah Almighty and an expression of gratitude to Him. Likewise, I must also say that my professional life and the companies and businesses that I have founded and run under my watch, give me peace and satisfaction because somehow these companies and businesses, my fellow human beings. Assist. These enterprises of mine create employment opportunities for people, develop the local economy and raise the standard of living of the common people working in these hotels and factories. To me, this is the ultimate goal of any business. This investment is the essence and purpose of the system. My non-Muslim friends will be surprised to read that this is also the essence of Islamic teachings.


I didn't have the "privilege" of going to a prestigious management school and getting an advanced degree in business administration. I learned management techniques and business codes through my experiences. In this regard, if there is one thing that I have been inspired by, it is the great book of Allah, the Holy Qur'an... It is the source and source of wisdom and wisdom. I read it often and every time I read it, I get more peace of mind and peace of mind. Apart from this, another thing that inspired me and I got perfect guidance in my life is the perfect religion of Islam, which is a complete code of life, which I was taught to be my devotion. Should be the center. The truth is that it is dear to me even in my own life, although there are many misconceptions about it due to ignorance among the uninformed circles and these misconceptions are caused by the misdeeds and negative character of Muslims. Islam is a very simple and simple religion. Islam requires very little of anything from those who practice it. Islam teaches the belief in the oneness of God and equality, equality, justice, tolerance, tolerance, and impartiality between human beings. This is the message of Islam, a simple, understandable, and beautiful message. This is the feature that makes Islam a practical religion and transforms human life into a way of life that can be adopted very easily.
There is a good reason for the fact that the Prophet (PBUH) was the head of a household and a repository of spiritual wisdom whose daily life as a merchant and businessman was very insightful. He (PBUH) belonged to a noble tribe like Banu Hashim and his great-grandfather was the founder of trade in Makkah. This aspect of the Prophet's life has always amazed and impressed me. On the small path of my life, I always tried to follow in the footsteps of the Prophet. For me, building companies, and creating wealth for my colleagues, partners, and employees has been a worldly duty as well as a spiritual responsibility for me. This is why I have dedicated my life to serving Islam and fulfilling my responsibilities as a Muslim.
Islam has taught me to consider business as a social necessity rather than an end in itself. Many of my business decisions have been based on the betterment of Pakistan and its promising future rather than the calculation and pursuit of immediate profits. I was not afraid to take very serious risks when I was sure that Pakistan would necessarily benefit from the success of my project. This is not a boast or an empty claim. From building a hotel in the underpopulated and customerless city of Gwadar to oil extraction and gas exploration for my country, my compatriots, have always been the focus of my business ventures. Once I told a foreign friend that Pakistan is not just a name written on my passport, but it is my driving force, passion, desire, and enthusiasm. Even when I was forced into exile in Dubai for five years my beloved country, Pakistan remained in my thoughts, thoughts, and dreams as a passion, passion, and enthusiasm. In this exile, not once or twice, but dozens of times, I felt that the passion of love for Pakistan was alive and well in my being. Although my name was included in the exit control list. A list that bans Pakistanis from leaving the country. It was only because of my unwavering love and eternal commitment to Pakistan that I decided to return home and suffer the consequences instead of continuing to live abroad. It should be noted that my name was included in the exit control list during the days when I was abroad.

I always considered myself Pakistan's spokesman,

Even abroad, I always considered myself Pakistan's spokesman, protector, and self-appointed ambassador. I have stood by our military and security establishment over the last decade when the Western media unfairly targeted it. In 1998, when India provocatively detonated a nuclear bomb, I clearly understood that Pakistan should retaliate with nuclear explosions of its own. It was true that doing so was likely to impose economic sanctions and would have affected my business as well... but I continued to insist that these nuclear explosions were inevitable for Pakistan. I did not care about my successes and failures, but the survival, security, and invincible defense of Pakistan were necessary to me. My problem is that I express my thoughts without holding back. I do not take expediency but say what is in my heart. I speak freely whatever I believe to be true without fear or malice. I am used to saying everything with reason and in open words. All this is not always well understood and I have faced opposition from powerful people, business rivals, and sometimes important civil servants, powerful and egotistical dictators, and politicians. It is not surprising that if I have strong detractors in Pakistan, I also have many well-wishers here. Be an active and useful part of the kingdom. I tried to provide them with a bright future so that they can play the role of an architect in the development and construction sectors of Pakistan. I don't even know the countless people and invisible hands that rise in the Lord to pray for me. It is the blessing and dignity of these prayers that every obstacle in my path is removed, which my enemies put step by step with great skill and diligence. These are not empty words, but the basis of these words are my true feelings and these words come from my heart. The basis of these words is authenticity and truth. In this context, a practical example can be given that the way I was constantly and relentlessly intimidated by various governments with vested interests, no other Pakistani had to face such situations. I learned to face situations with a nonchalant shrug. However, I have to admit that as a human being, I sometimes feel deeply hurt and hurt.

As some of the readers are aware that I manage and operate the largest chain of hotel industry in Pakistan where in my personal opinion world-class hospitality, courtesy, and service are provided to the customers. The general perception is that the tourism and hotel industry earns foreign exchange in the form of dollars and euros, so it is encouraged by the government from time to time, but the reality is that governments and policymakers have always neglected this sector. What is ignored? As a result of this wrong policy, the rates used in hotels in Pakistan are the lowest in the world, but the revenue generated by hotels is unusually high. Those who determine these tariffs are too busy making up their numbers or raising popular slogans rather than keeping Pakistan's long-term interests in mind. Tourism is an industry that creates numerous downstream employment opportunities in the form of various businesses linked to it, so many countries have found this secret and are actively encouraging the hotel and tourism industry, but the rulers of Pakistan This has not happened yet. I wonder when they will wake up from their slumber and take useful, positive, and encouraging steps to develop the hotel industry and tourism sector by recognizing the ground realities.

No matter how high the taxes imposed on the hotel industry are, all our hotels pay this tax and pay it very honestly. Many other hotels do not pay the tax. For the sake of under-invoicing, they hide taxes and give regular bribes to hide taxes. This is not my opinion. It is not at all surprising that some of my colleagues and officers half-jokingly tell me that more and more inexplicable government policies are formulated with hash groups in mind. Hearing this, I simply become silent and raise my hands and gaze at the sky. Allah Ta'ala knows best how much truth they have in this matter.
I do not want to turn this book into a pile of complaints against specific individuals. I have kept no strings attached and have mentioned the characters honestly. If some people want to make it a personal issue, I am ready for that too. My aim is not to oppose or denigrate anyone, but I aim to explain what the current conditions of Pakistan are, why they are there, and how they can be changed. This book is also a message for future generations of Pakistan. This is not just a book but also a gift from a seasoned veteran of cold and hot climates… I believe this gift will inspire the new generation to learn from the mistakes of the previous generation to create such a viable system. will encourage to establish where the sacrifices and efforts of honest working citizens are acknowledged.

I have confidence in the enviable talents of the new generation of Pakistan's energetic passions. Their skills, mental abilities, and willingness to work hard are in no way less than the best and most intelligent people on the planet. These young people are the real capital and asset of our country and nation. They are our present and our future. We must use all resources and energies to lift them. We should never forget that a considerable part of the speech of the painter Pakistan Allama Iqbal is addressed to the same youth. Kalam Iqbal's grace is that the focus of my attention is this new generation. I think that these young people should and will build a Pakistan that will lead the world in the coming decades. If my book proves to be a guide and helper to some extent in this regard, I will surely be proud of it. And I will think that my hard work has paid off... With these words, I dedicate my life to the reading pleasure of my dear readers.

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