The threat of banning WhatsApp in the UK, what is the reason?

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The threat of banning WhatsApp in the UK, what is the reason?

 The threat of banning WhatsApp in the UK, what is the reason? The head of WhatsApp, Will Cathcart, has expressed fears that WhatsApp may be banned after the approval of the new online safety bill in the UK.

Cathcart has said that if the new online safety bill in the UK requires WhatsApp to remove or change its 'end-to-end encryption', we will refuse to comply with such instructions. I will accept a ban on WhatsApp but will not compromise on security protocols.

Speaking to the British media, he said that if we feel that we are being forced to weaken the security of consumers, then we will leave the UK because we believe that in order to restore the confidence of consumers in the protection of data. End-to-end encryption is extremely important.

He said that if we weaken our security for the British government, it will mean that we will have to do the same for other governments.

Speaking to the British Legislative Assembly, he said that end-to-end encryption ensures that only the sender and receiver can read the message, rather than sending it around. The app itself can't read messages, so we can't help law enforcement intercept any content, but the British government insists that privacy and security cannot go hand in hand.

He said that neglecting the security of WhatsApp users in the UK can also cause problems for users around the world and it is a very important question that should be given the full attention that there is no way that change can only be done by the world. It should be brought in one country but not in others. He said that the proof of our security is that some countries have decided to impose restrictions on WhatsApp, the latest example of which is Iran's ban on WhatsApp service. Yes, however, WhatsApp has not been banned in any liberal democracy yet, the reality is that our users around the world want security.

WhatsApp chief Cathcart has been a vocal critic of proposed new online safety legislation introduced in the British parliament, saying governments want to weaken security rather than strengthen it.

He called on the British government to include words in its bill that would make clear the difference between private messaging apps and other social media platforms.

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