This is the ray of light in the darkness, the people recognized PTI, PDM and People's Party' Sirajul Haque

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This is the ray of light in the darkness, the people recognized PTI, PDM and People's Party' Sirajul Haque

 This is the ray of light in the darkness, the people recognized PTI, PDM, and People's Party Sirajul Haque

The troika has neither a vision nor a solution to any problem, these three big parties are the same. Amir Jamaat-e-Islami Amir Jamaat-e-Islami Sirajul Haque has said that the ray of light in the darkness is that the people PTI, PD M, and People's Party have been recognized, like the previous rulers, even today the government is holding cabinet meetings every day, but the problems are increasing instead of decreasing, this troika has neither a vision nor a solution to any problem. These three big parties are the same, those who make them, run them, and work with them are now worried. The people are waking up against PTI and PDM's inflation and unemployment. Only Jamaat-e-Islami is the only party that understands the problems and has a complete solution to them. If the establishment ends the support of these three parties, then there will be no competition for Jamaat-e-Islami in the streets. can do
If Jamaat-e-Islami comes, in the true sense, everyone will be held accountable without any discrimination. Siraj-ul-Haq expressed these views while addressing the public meeting in Bara on the fifth day of the tribal peace caravan and later at the election rally in Hasan Abdal and Taxila. On this occasion, the leadership of the Jamaat-e-Islami province of KP and North Punjab was also present. Speaking on the current political scenario, Sirajul Haque said that national elections on the same day in the country are the need of the hour and the only way to solve the crises.
For peaceful elections, all the political parties will have to sit at the negotiation table, otherwise, there will be an increase in conflict after the elections. The generals have been in control of national politics for 75 years. The government of PDM, and PPP also brought the same people who imposed PTI, the performance of 15 political parties in the last five years is in front of everyone, and the Troika has sunk the economy, politics, and society.
The 11-month performance of the coalition government of PDM-PPP is zero, PTI created crisis after crisis for all four years. Hundreds of people from different political parties joined Jamaat-e-Islami in both meetings. Amir Jamaat congratulated the people who became part of Jamaat-e-Islami and instructed them to devote all their energies to the implementation of the Islamic system in the country.
Amir Jamaat-e-Islami Siraj-ul-Haq has said that the Prime Minister and his team are not capable of taking the country out of the crisis, and national elections should be held on the same day. PDM, PPP, and PTI also made the courts controversial for their interests, the nation has lost faith in the institutions. The establishment backed the troika for years, resulting in crises.
Inflation and unemployment made it impossible for the people to live, instead of punishing taxes on the poor nation on the orders of the IMF, the billionaire rulers should deposit the looted wealth in the national treasury. Those wanted by NAB in corruption should clear their affairs before politics. The rulers took a loan in the name of the country and ate it themselves, then return the same. He said that only Jamaat-e-Islami is capable of solving the country's problems. There is no stain of corruption on the leadership of Jamaat-e-Islami, the people have tried every one, and now Jamaat-e-Islami should get a chance, Jamaat-e-Islami can lead the country on the path of prosperity and development.

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