democracy will end by these actions?

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democracy will end by these actions?


There is a one-point agenda of holding elections for one day of negotiations, everyone including Imran Khan realizes that they have gone to the closed street.

Lahore, Amir Jamaat-e-Islami Siraj-ul-Haq has said that if politicians continue to quarrel, there is a danger that politics and democracy will end. Speaking in the program of Arwai News, he said that it is the responsibility of the Election Commission to conduct the election, but the environment for the election has to be created, 90 days have already passed, now there is a need to create a consensus, the first step was difficult. Now you haveHe said that the Supreme Court has given a date till April 27 to create a consensus. There is a one-point agenda of holding elections across the country. If politicians continue to quarrel, there is a danger that politics and democracy will end.
Everyone has realized that the situation is bad, everyone including Imran Khan has realized that the bandh has gone to the streets. Moreover, Jamaat-e-Islami Ameer Sirajul Haque demanded the immediate release of Maulana Hidayat Rehman Baloch, the head of "Gwadar Ko Haq Du Tehreek" after completing 100 days of imprisonment in a false case and nationwide protests for the rights of Gwadar on May 1. What has been announced? left the circle of 90 days, then expand it further.Naib Amir Liaquat Baloch, along with Secretary General Ameerul Azim and Secretary Information Qaiser Sharif held a press conference in Mansoora, he assured the people of Balochistan that Jamaat-e-Islami will raise their voice for their rights, Gwadar Haq Du Tehreek CPEC. Not against, nor Hidayat Rehman Baloch has ever made a statement against this agreement, he is asking for drinking water, employment for the local residents and fishermen of Gwadar and an end to drug trafficking and peace in the area.

He said that he himself will participate in the protest in Gwadar on May 1. Amir Jamaat also indicated positive progress in the negotiations between political parties for the national elections of Jamaat-e-Islami and expressed confidence that the political forces will agree on a date for the election. These efforts will be accelerated after Eid. Siraj-ul-Haq said that the economic crisis has become a dangerous situation due to the political fight in which the poor sandwich has become. It proved to be the precursor of the constitutional crisis, institutions and judges are divided, politicians are in conflict.
Amir Jamaat said that few political parties have formed committees for negotiations and Thursday's proceedings of the Supreme Court also gave an impression that the Supreme Court also wants the politicians to find a solution to the problem, but obviously this problem is so It is not simple to push a button on one side and light a bulb on the other side, although no political party has clearly and categorically refused to negotiate with Jamaat-e-Islami so far, we have contacted several political parties and initial Consultations have been held, they will be expedited after Eid.
He said that Maulana Fazlur Rahman's statement is his right, he is a senior politician and definitely not a supporter of anarchy and corruption in the country, he also wants the betterment of the country. The establishment will not interfere in the political negotiations, the establishment should do what they have sworn to do, elections, democracy are 100% political matters and politicians have to find solutions to these problems, Jamaat-e-Islami's one-point agenda in the whole country. Consensus of the political parties on a date of election has to be created.
He said that if the proceedings of the courts of the last several months are reviewed, politics is seen everywhere, public issues were suppressed. The position of Jamaat-e-Islami is that the courts should focus on people's issues instead of politics, millions of cases are pending, the common man is not getting justice. In response to a question, the Amir Jamaat said that the Punjab elections, which were held according to the Supreme Court, had become controversial even before they were held.
Jamaat-e-Islami is striving for such elections in the country, the results of which are accepted by everyone and a favorable environment is available for the people to choose their representatives. Elections should not be rigged like in the past and elections should not be hijacked. Ameer Jamaat said that the people of Gwadar under the leadership of Maulana Hidayatur Rahman staged a peaceful dharna for several months, as a result of which the government reached an agreement with them, but the rulers did not implement this agreement. Police filed 900 false cases against the protestors, Maulana Hidayatur Rahman Baloch is in jail since then, other people were also picked up from their houses, vehicles were burnt.
He said that Gwadar is important and it has global importance, the eyes of the world are on the port connected to this city, we wish that the CPEC is completed, but maybe the government wants to stir up agitation, which will also affect the multi-billion contract. Maybe, the young people of Gwadar in Balochistan are demanding their rights and the rulers will have to give them their rights. Security check posts should be abolished in Gwadar, ban on border trade should be lifted, drinking water should be provided to the people, trawler mafia should be banned in the sea and local fishermen should be given a chance to earn a living. Jamaat-e-Islami will never back down from these demands.

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