Does leaving a laptop on charge all the time damage the battery?

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Does leaving a laptop on charge all the time damage the battery?

 Does leaving a laptop on charge all the time damage the battery? A weak battery makes a good laptop impossible to use without power.

Needless to say, this is a very common problem for laptop owners and is often attributed to overcharging the device.

But is it true that keeping the laptop on constant charge causes the battery to weaken? If you feel the same way, then know that the idea that the laptop battery is gradually damaged by overcharging is completely wrong. Is.

Windows Central reports that today's laptops use two types of batteries, lithium polymer, and lithium-ion.

Both types of batteries are designed to stop charging after reaching 100 percent.

After this happens, the system starts transferring power directly to the computer instead of passing it to the battery.

Simply put, leaving a fully charged laptop on charging for an occasional full day does not damage the battery's power unit.

But it is also true that making it a habit can damage the battery.

Keeping the laptop battery charged at 70 to 80 percent prolongs its life.

If it is continuously charged too low or too high, the battery life can end quickly.

Of course, it's quite difficult to see what percentage the battery is charged, so charge the battery to a full 100 once instead of specific numbers.

Then do not charge the battery until the battery power reaches 50%.

To improve battery life, try to keep the laptop from consuming too much power, close apps that are running in the background, and adjust the device's battery settings.

Heat also affects battery life and overheating can damage the battery.

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