NASA reveals the presence of a new and faster black hole in space

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NASA reveals the presence of a new and faster black hole in space

 NASA has discovered the presence of a new and faster black hole in space.

NASA experts have named this newly discovered black hole an 'Invisible Monster' while traveling fast.

Experts say that the invisible monster's speed is so fast that it can cover the distance from the Earth to the moon in just 14 minutes.

NASA experts say that this newly discovered black hole is leaving a trail of newly formed stars in its wake, something that has never been observed before.

Experts say that this black hole is giving birth to new stars from the gases coming in its path instead of eating the stars in front of it.

The newly discovered black hole is located at the end of its parent galaxy's column and has a bright ring of ionized oxygen around its outer tip, experts said.

Experts say that what we are seeing is the 'aftermath', just like the wake of a ship passing by, we are seeing this wave in the passage of a black hole where the gases have cooled. The stars are forming.

NASA experts say that such a situation has never been observed before and the telescope discovered the 'invisible monster' by chance.

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