Scientists have recorded the sound of 'crying' plants that will make them cry

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Scientists have recorded the sound of 'crying' plants that will make them cry

 Scientists have recorded the sound of 'crying' plants, which when made to stand up, humans make many different sounds to express complaints, pain, or sorrow, and think that this is possible only through the mouth.

But a study from Tel Aviv University revealed that plants do not need a mouth to complain or complain, and they 'cry' when they are cut or deprived of water. In the journal Cell at the end of March 2023. Published research has shown that tomato and tobacco plants emit specific sounds when cut or dehydrated, which you can hear above.

There are changes in these sounds as a result of the nature of the threat, but our ears are not able to hear them.

The results of this research shatter the common notion that plants live quietly in their environment.

According to research, signals are sent by plants through these sounds so that the organisms in their environment can change their behavior by listening to them.

Research has shown that if a tomato plant is not watered for a day, it starts making those sounds even though the tomatoes look fine.

These sounds are like popping popcorn or typing and peaking in 5 days of water deprivation, after which the plant begins to die as the plant dries out.

However, if the plant is cut or damaged, it emits a slightly different sound. The frequency of these sounds is so high that the human ear cannot hear them, but researchers believe that insects, other mammals, And plants may listen to them. He further said that these sounds are the cries of plants that they make in case of lack of water or suffering. For this research, the experts placed the plants in an isolated basement where there was complete silence.

The ultrasonic microphones were then placed near the plants and various experiments were conducted with them.

As some plants were not watered for 5 days, some were root cut while some plants were not treated abnormally.

Audio recordings showed that the plants emit sounds in the 40 to 80 kHz range. Plants that were left untreated produced a click-like sound an average of one hour per hour, but plants that were deprived of water or injured made one click every hour. Hours used to emit dozens of sounds.

Researchers hope that in the future such sounds will make it possible to monitor plants and know what problems they are facing.

It's not yet clear how plants make these sounds, but researchers think it's by tiny air bubbles forming and bursting in the plant's internal systems, just like when we snap our fingers.

They believe that other plants also respond to these sounds, but more research is needed.

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Anonymous said…
Sharp thinking This shows fine improvement.