Two cases of monkeypox have come to light in Pakistan

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Two cases of monkeypox have come to light in Pakistan


Two cases of monkeypox have come to light in Pakistan

Salamabad: Two cases of monkeypox have been reported in Pakistan and according to the officials of the Federal Ministry of Health, a person who was deported from Saudi Arabia and another passenger sitting with him on the plane have been confirmed to have monkeypox. Senior health officials said that a person who came to Pakistan from Saudi Arabia on April 17 had symptoms of monkeypox after which the person was referred for medical Officials said that another person who was seated with the victim also showed symptoms and tested positive for the monkeypox virus.

Infectious disease specialists of PMZ Islamabad sent samples of the infected person to the National Institute of Health Islamabad and yesterday the National Institute of Health Islamabad confirmed monkeypox in the infected person.

Officials say that the person who was expelled from Saudi Arabia is in the isolation ward of Pims Hospital, where his condition is stable.

On the other hand, the other person who was sitting on the plane seat with this passenger is in quarantine at his home and his condition is also satisfactory.

Officials say that the victims are residents of Rawalpindi/Islamabad.

After the case of monkeypox came to light, a high alert has been put on the airports of the whole country and samples of suspected patients coming from abroad have been ordered to be sent to the National Institute of Health in Islamabad.

On the other hand, the Karachi office of Border Health Services Pakistan has issued an order to the airlines to take strict safety measures before and during the flight regarding the possible monkeypox epidemic among passengers coming and going from abroad. Is.

According to the notification issued by the director of the institution, Dr. Ghulam Murtaza Shah, yesterday, strict safety measures have been taken for the dangerous disease monkeypox, which can lead to death, especially for travelers coming from abroad and those going abroad in general. Be used.

According to the orders, the passengers will be required to fill out the health card regarding their health.

The suspected patient should be seated in the last part of the ship. Show as far as possible from other passengers. If the suspected passenger uses the lavatory, the lavatory should be disinfected, cabin crew must use masks and sanitize hands, and disinfect the aircraft as well.

What is Minki Pox?
Monkeypox is a virus that is primarily transmitted from animals to humans.  Viruses belonging to this family also include 'smallpox', and monkeypox is also called its cousin due to its closeness in symptoms.

According to the World Health Organization, the symptoms of monkeypox are similar to smallpox, but its severity is less than that of smallpox.

Usually, its symptoms appear between one and two weeks. The affected person first shows symptoms of headache, fever, and shortness of breath, and then rashes appear in the body like smallpox. Depending on the severity of the disease. The size of these grains can vary. These pimples also contain pus and the patient may feel discomfort and itching.

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