What is Minki Pox? What are its symptoms? Is it fatal?

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What is Minki Pox? What are its symptoms? Is it fatal?


What is Minki Pox?

What are its symptoms?

Is it fatal? 

Viruses belonging to the family include 'smallpox', or smallpox, and monkeypox is also called its cousin due to its closeness in symptoms.

It should be noted that the World Health Organization has changed the name of Monkey Pox to 'M Pox', but it is still known as Monkey Pox.

Where is it from?
Africa is said to be the starting point of Monkey Pass. There are two types of monkeypox in the world, one of which is found in West Africa and the other in Central Africa, in countries around the Congo Basin.

The world's first confirmed case of monkeypox in humans occurred in 1970 in a child in the African country of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

What is the role of the monkey in this?
If you hear the name Monkey Pass and think that monkey mischief is involved in its spread, then you are wrong.

Years before the case of monkeypox was reported in humans, in 1958, two monkeys kept in a laboratory in Denmark contracted the disease, which gave it the name monkeypox.

Certainly, the source of this virus is not monkeys, nor has this virus been transmitted from monkeys to humans.

If not a monkey, then which animal is responsible for spreading this virus?
Scientists have not been able to definitively determine which animal is the source of the monkeypox virus, but African rats are believed to be responsible for its spread. If an animal with monkeypox bites a person If a person bites or comes into contact with its waste, saliva, etc., the virus is transferred to a person and then the infected person becomes the cause of its spread to other people.

What is the transmission rate of this virus?
According to data available on the New Jersey Department of Agriculture website, the human-to-human transmission rate of monkeypox ranges from 3.3 percent to 30 percent. However, the recent prevalence rate of the virus in Congo was recorded at around 73%.

If a person has the monkeypox virus, it can cause the virus to be transmitted to another person before symptoms appear. In general, an infected person should not have contact with other people for a maximum of 21 days or else the virus can be transmitted.

What are the symptoms of an infected person?
According to the World Health Organization, the symptoms of monkeypox are similar to smallpox, but its severity is less than that of smallpox.

Usually, its symptoms appear between one and two weeks. The affected person first shows symptoms of headache, fever, and shortness of breath, and then rashes appear in the body like smallpox. Depending on the severity of the disease. The size of these grains can vary. These pimples also contain pus and the patient may feel discomfort and itching.

Is monkeypox fatal?
If the disease becomes severe, monkeypox can prove fatal. Of the two types we mentioned, the West African type is less intense than the Congo Basin.

According to the World Health Organization, the mortality rate of the monkeypox virus found in West Africa is 3.6%, while the mortality rate of the monkeypox virus in the Congo basin region is 10.6%. The good thing is that the less severe monkeypox in America and European countries There have been cases of the virus.

How is the monkeypox virus diagnosed in an infected person?
According to the World Health Organization, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test is the most effective way to test whether a person has the monkeypox virus. For this purpose, the material filled in the raised grains in the affected person's body is used as a specimen.

Is there a vaccine or effective medicine for monkeypox?
According to the WHO, the smallpox vaccine is usually effective against monkeypox. In addition, a vaccine (MVA-BN) also helps prevent monkeypox.

According to the World Health Organization, the drug Tecovirimat is also helpful in preventing monkeypox. It is an approved medicine for diseases like smallpox and monkeypox. However, vaccines and drugs are not widely available and if monkeypox continues to spread, there may be shortages.

Children, the elderly, and the unvaccinated are at greater risk of contracting the virus.

How can it be avoided?
In case of contact with a wild animal, take precautions, use a mask and gloves, and take special care of cleanliness.

If someone in your circle of friends has contracted monkeypox, try not to have contact with them, if this is not possible, use a mask and gloves, and wash your hands and face thoroughly after contact.

It is important for a person infected with monkeypox to isolate himself until all symptoms of the disease disappear.

After traveling to a country, if you have symptoms like itching and fever, consult a doctor immediately.

When traveling to countries where monkeypox is endemic, stay away from sick animals and avoid eating wild animal meat. What is the situation of this disease in Pakistan?
So far in Pakistan, 2 confirmed cases of monkeypox have come to light in Rawalpindi/Islamabad and the government has issued an alert in this regard.

The National Institute of Health has issued a high alert to federal and provincial authorities regarding suspected cases of monkeypox and has issued instructions to strictly monitor passengers at all entry points and airports of the country.

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