Why are some people always late for everything?

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Why are some people always late for everything?


Why are some people always late for everything?

The late poet Munir Niazi used to say 'I am always late in doing everything, to say something important, to fulfill a promise, to give voice to it, I am always late', and this is right, some people are never on time. Do not work.

Whether it is meeting someone or doing some work, these people are always late or say, procrastinators.

But why do some people procrastinate? This has been answered in various scientific research reports and various factors including time perception, time management, and personality may play a role.

A 2017 study from University College London suggested that this is likely the result of a brain mechanism that causes some people to always be late or lose track of time.

A region of the brain called the hippocampus determines some aspects of timing, such as remembering a task or how long a task can take.

Research published in the journal Nature Reviews Neuroscience suggests that neurons in this brain region influence our memory and perception of events by acting as 'time cells'.

But the research did not answer the question of why some people do not understand the importance of time.

A 2017 study recruited 20 students and sent them to different locations to estimate the duration of the trip.

Researchers discovered that if a place is familiar to people, they tend to be more reluctant to go there.

Another study found that many times procrastinators do not have enough time to do travel-related tasks such as getting ready in the morning.

The research indicated that we estimate time by doing similar things in the past, but our memories and perceptions are not always accurate.

If we have a lot of experience with a task, it can be difficult for us to estimate how long it might take to do it, the researchers said.

Another 2016 study discovered that environmental elements such as music also affect our perception of time.

Another environmental factor is crowding.

A 2022 study published in General Virtual Reality found that routes in crowded places seemed 10 percent longer than those in less busy places.

The research revealed that personality also plays a role in this regard.

According to researchers, due to personality traits such as cognitive decline, some people tend to forget scheduled tasks, while multitasking does.

Another study published in the journal Advances in Cognitive Psychology found that when people multitask, it becomes harder for them to remember and complete other scheduled tasks.

The researchers said that multitasking results in our attention being distracted and losing track of time.

According to a study by the University of San Diego in the United States, people who are late are not doing it on purpose, but it is part of their nature and it is not possible for them to learn the art of setting a schedule, while they are more successful in life. are proven.

Research has shown that not keeping track of time reflects an optimistic, multitasking, and calm personality.

According to the researchers, only people who arrive late to their jobs prefer multitasking. It is generally not considered good to do many things at once, but those who master it are successful in life.

Another study found that procrastinating is a sign of intelligence.

According to research, such people are optimistic and not realistic, which is why they often procrastinate.

A 2019 study made the interesting claim that many times, even when there is no deadline, people lose track of time.

Then some people deliberately delay tasks and this is a sign of their inner procrastination.

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