Why buy Twitter? After 6 months, Elon Musk's answer came out

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Why buy Twitter? After 6 months, Elon Musk's answer came out


Why buy Twitter? After 6 months, Elon Musk's answer came out. Elon Musk has said that running Twitter is very painful and like a roller coaster ride.

In an interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation, Elon Musk admitted that running Twitter proved to be a very painful and difficult task.

He also hinted that if he found the right person, he could sell the social media company. Remember that Elon Musk bought Twitter in October 2022 for $44 billion.

During the interview, when Elon Musk was asked about his time as CEO of Twitter, he said, "It's not boring, it's been like a roller coaster He said that 'mostly I sleep in the office on a sofa in the library'.

Elon Musk said he bought Twitter because he felt he should.

The owner of Twitter said that the social media platform will be improved and his aim is to make it the most authentic platform.

In response to a question, he admitted that no system is perfect, but our mission is to try to make Twitter as truthful as possible.

He added that the situation has now improved considerably and the financial situation of the company will improve in the coming months.

Elon Musk also admitted that he often makes controversial tweets.

In this regard, he said, 'Have I shot my feet several times? Yes, that's right.

He said that the number of people working on Twitter is now 1,500, which was around 8,000 in October.

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Anonymous said…
Sharp thinking This shows fine improvement.
Anonymous said…
Sharp thinking This shows fine improvement.
Anonymous said…
Sharp thinking This shows fine improvement.