Jupiter is also exposed to lightning-like Earth

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Jupiter is also exposed to lightning-like Earth


Jupiter is also exposed to lightning-like Earth

Jupiter is also exposed to lightning-like Earth

Jupiter was named as the god of lightning in the Roman Deomala and now it has been revealed for the first time that the largest planet in the solar system has a lot of lightning.

Years ago, the American space agency NASA's Voyager 1 mission revealed the presence of lightning in Jupiter, but until now, little was known about it.

But now data from NASA's Juno mission has revealed this and compared it with lightning events on Earth.

The study, published in the journal Nature Communications, reported that although Jupiter is mostly composed of hydrogen and helium and is not dominated by nitrogen, oxygen, and water vapor like on Earth, water and ice clouds still keep the temperature at a point. Keeps something below freezing. Research has shown that Jupiter's clouds are also made of water like Earth and lightning is formed in them.

Examination of data from the Juno mission indicated that Jupiter and Earth have roughly the same lightning processes, even though the two planets are very different from each other.

Jupiter also has strong electric fields like Earth and lightning strikes between these fields.

However, in Jupiter, this happens mostly in the poles, while lightning strikes anywhere on Earth.

Lightning is an electrical discharge that occurs between thunderclouds, during which a large electric field is created and the discharge is activated, the researchers said.

He added that this is a simplistic explanation because scientists still do not fully understand what actually happens inside such clouds.

Other gas planets in the solar system such as Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus have also been shown to have lightning.

It is believed that lightning strikes even in the clouds of Venus, but this is still a matter to be confirmed.

Note that the Juno mission has been orbiting Jupiter since 2016 and has been collecting details on its climate, interior structure, internal magnetic field, and other details.

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