For God's sake stop torturing children and making them work: Sajal Ali

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For God's sake stop torturing children and making them work: Sajal Ali

For God's sake stop torturing children and making them work: Sajal Ali

For God's sake stop torturing children and making them work: Sajal Ali

 For God's sake stop torturing children and making them work: Sajal Ali

Sajal Ali, a well-known actress of Pakistan showbiz industry, has called upon the people to take joint measures to save children from forced labour, violence and abuse.

Sajal Ali has released this video message after the allegation of alleged brutal violence against the 14-year-old housekeeper of Judge Asim Hafeez's wife in the federal capital Islamabad.

This video message of the actress has been shared by senior actor Nadia Jameel on her social media account.

Sajal Ali has said in his video message that for the sake of God stop torturing and making children work, it is wrong, child labor is illegal.They have requested the public to immediately report to the local authorities if any of you see a young child working in or outside someone's home or being abused.

The actress has said that the age of children is not to work, it is the age to study and play.

Sajal Ali has said that if all of us raise our voice against such things, only then will our voice reach where it is necessary to reach and then those people also take action on such incidents.

While sharing this video message of Sajal Ali, Nadia Jameel herself has condemned the exploitation and abuse of children in the caption.

The problem, he wrote, is that often no one knows if a child is being kept as a domestic servant or slave, and it is not easy to know whether the child is well or not. Is he being educated?The actress wrote that you and I both know the fact that often small poor children are kept in homes to pick up rich children, clean the houses of rich people and serve them, they are beaten. They are starving and deprived of education while education is their constitutional and religious right.

Nadia Jameel has written that remember the eradication of poverty is not the work of these innocent children, taking away their childhood is a serious crime.

He wrote at the end of his post that many of our children are suffering a lot, let's all solve this problem together and raise our voice against people who are making child labour.

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