It's all a magic factory!💣

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It's all a magic factory!💣

It's all a magic factory!💣

Who is there in this country that rejects spirituality, and does not believe in magic? Everything in the country is bound to spirituality, that is why this country is running. Here often green-clad people catch bombs and throw them in the river.
The kingdom here is also decided in the world of spirituality. Here, ghosts, spirits, jinns and witches often drive events and affairs. This is a myth and talisman, there is no reason or logic here. It was in this country that 35,000 souls descended directly into Pakhtunkhwa, swore allegiance to the Queen of the country, and accompanied her towards the magical capital, Islamabad. These pure souls and their clients flew away mountains, bridges, and restrictions with the power of magic.
These souls and devotees were neither hungry nor cold nor hot. They had no fear or anxiety. What is the competition between the spirits, the messengers and the jinns who have moved forward in the country? Even one jinn is heavier than thousands of humans. There were 35 thousand jinn, messengers, and spirits here. ? They break and crush every obstacle with unseen power, all this is a factory of magic.

The government seems crazy which is demanding that you show the dead bodies, prove the funerals, bring forward 278 names. This is a completely stupid demand. Where are the bodies of the souls, where were their funerals? They were the clients, those who were, were the spirits, unclean elements came, forbidden things like tear gas and rubber bullets came out, then the spirits flew away, those who went to the world of the unseen and the clients were veiled from the eyes.

These are the rules of the talismanic world. Since everything is magic here, what's the surprise? That's how a magic factory works. Many leaders of Tehreek-e-Insaaf are also completely stupid who say that when the captain had forbidden to go to D-Chowk, why did not Rani of Pharmulkh accept this?

Fools! Rani had constant spiritual contact with Donkey Raja. Clients were going to Adiala Jail, conveying the news from bridge to bridge and momentarily conveying the Raja's orders to the Queen. Phones can fail, Wi-Fi can be down, VPNs can cheat, clients can't fail. Rani and Raja were in constant communication. Everything happened according to Raja's will and wishes. All is a factory of magic, it begins where human reason ends.

Many idiots raise the question that if it was magic, a spiritual matter, then why did it fail? Why didn't the locks of the prison melt and break, why didn't the client Donkey Raja get out of the prison, etc. These idiots and blind people need to understand that this battle was between pure and impure forces, spiritual and material forces, good jinns and bad jinns, these were 35 thousand pure souls rich in spirituality, accompanied by good jinns and messengers. . Opposite were satanic powers, satanic powers defeat spiritual powers many times, great spiritual leaders are defeated by Satan's trickery and siege, but this defeat is not permanent but temporary, in the end only truth, truth and spirit have to win. Lies and flesh will eventually lose.

Many undesirable people are criticizing the disappearance of the Queen of Souls. Someone should ask them that if Rani was martyred or arrested without winning the last battle, then who would fight the rest of the war?
These PTI puppets, dwarfs and powerful spoons cannot free the Raja by fighting on their own. Like Zulfi Bukhari, they bow their heads and say GBB, GBB, what is their position in front of my spiritual perfections and my worldly glory? All these are just pawns. I am the minister of chess and Donkey King is its king. Our fight is very big, it will be fought not with pawns, but with spirits, in this we will have clients with us, whoever and some angels can support us.
If D Chowk battle is compared with the world's first giant war, TROJAN WAR, many commonalities are seen. Many gods, jinns and gods were also involved in this war.
This war fought for Helen of Troy is considered to be the foundation of world literature, especially English and Greek literature. Homer, who wrote this epic story, was either really blind or is implied to be blind, but the picture he drew of the war and its characters cannot be drawn by the sighted even today.
Two events of this giant battle are still remembered again and again today, one event is the arrow hitting the heel of Achilles (ACILLES HEEL). It was just that his heel was free from this effect, that's why even today when a weakness of a person is mentioned due to which he failed or failed, it is called "Achilles' heel".
In the epic story of the Islamabad Long March, the Rani's heel came to rest. Rani's fault is not the slightest bit, everything happened because of heel, the real problem was Rani's heel, otherwise victory was destined.
The second event is about the Trojan horse (TROJAN HORSE), the Trojan horse was actually a huge wooden horse in which the soldiers were hiding. The Trojans took him inside the city thinking it was loot. At night, the Greek soldiers who were hiding opened the gates of the city and thus Troy was defeated.
In the Battle of Islamabad, spirits were allowed to enter the city as a decoy and a trap, and then the impure demons were released upon them. Now the queen's heel was also bad, the Trojan horse tactic also succeeded and the simple apolitical spirits and sentimental jinn failed.
Call the Islamabad March a Trojan war, a battle between right and wrong, a Rani's war story or a strategy to free Donkey Raja by force. Can never be defeated, can never be defeated, can never be defeated. It was all a magic factory You've been cheated Souls and those who live, Just waiting for the curtain to lift The gaze.

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