Growing industry of feralization in Pakistan latest news 2023

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Growing industry of feralization in Pakistan latest news 2023

 Wheat farmers should irrigate lightly when temperatures rise, says a Department of Agriculture spokesperson. Multan (Urdu Point Latest News - APP. February 25, 2023) According to the spokesperson of the Department of Agriculture, water must be applied to the wheat crop at the stage of sprouting, because at that time the stem is in the process of emerging inside the plant and if water is applied at that time. If not given, the stitches remain small. The spokesman further said that due to the increase in temperature, the wheat crop needs more irrigation.

According to agricultural experts, there is a possibility of a reduction in wheat production when the average day and night temperature reaches 25 degrees Celsius. Today, the night temperature is normal and dew in the fields during the day reduces the effects of heat. Late-cropped wheat is likely to be more affected by rising temperatures, while Agiti (November-cropped) wheat is slightly less affected by rising temperatures.

In this situation, wheat farmers should do light irrigation when the temperature rises, especially on March 15, and after that, light irrigation should be normalized to protect the wheat crop from heat stress and increase the yield of wheat per acre. Also, farmers should not use more urea fertilizers as the lush crop leads to late blight attack. Also, farmers should keep an eye on the wheat crop for mealybug attacks. Action against the manufacture and sale of fake fertilizers by the Department of Agriculture, 2 accused. The Department of Agriculture took action against those involved in the manufacture and sale of fake fertilizers and seized fake fertilizers worth Rs. 50 lakh and arrested 2 accused. A fake fertilizer factory located on Taba Masoodpur Sher Shah Road was raided and fake fertilizers and materials worth Rs. 50 lakh were recovered and hundreds of printed, empty bags and other materials were also seized.

A case has been registered in the Muzaffarabad police station under the Punjab Fertilizer Control Order against the accused Muhammad Sabir (owner), and employee Hussain (assistant). The accused used to prepare and pack fake fertilizers illegally and supply them to different parts of the country.

The seized fake fertilizer has been seized and referred to the police. Samples of manure have been obtained on the spot and sent to the laboratory for analysis.

The spokesperson of the Punjab Agriculture Department said that the mafia selling fake agricultural inputs is being dealt with iron hands and those involved in this heinous business are being punished. The Punjab government is following the principle of zero tolerance policy against those who are involved in the business of fake agricultural inputs and all possible actions are being taken to eradicate this business. continues its action on the surface. Punjab Agriculture Department has issued instructions to the farmers regarding the selection of seeds for the cultivation of Baharia Kamad. According to the spokesman of the Punjab Agriculture Department, farmers should be careful while selecting seeds for the cultivation of Baharia Kamad. It should be absolutely clean.

Before cutting the seed, inspect the eyes of the sugarcane well. Cut pieces for seed should have at least two or three eyes. Do not use a sickle or planer to avoid injuring the eyes of the sugarcane and remove the cane stalk with your hands. Select from the crop (annual), do not select seed from even broadleaf crop.

The upper part of the sugarcane should be used for seed.

After preparing the seeds, sowing should not be delayed. If it is delayed for any reason, cover the seeds with a straw and keep sprinkling water at intervals so that the sugarcane does not dry. Soak for a minute and cultivate. In timely cultivation and other suitable conditions, 30 thousand seeds with 2 eyes or 20 thousand seeds with 3 eyes should be applied per acre. This number can be obtained from 100 to 120 maunds of seed depending on the thickness of the sugarcane. If cultivation is delayed. If necessary, the number of seeds can be increased by 10 to 15 percent with the advice of local experts of the Agriculture Department. Instructions to the farmers to burn and destroy Kamadaki Khori, Department of Agriculture, Kasur. The Department of Agriculture has instructed the farmers to burn the husks and destroy them and said that if there is a parasite of the horse bee in it, then avoid burning the husks or keep the husks outside the field and scatter them later. Add insecticides and do not spray, otherwise, the beneficial insects will be killed and if there is no mowing due to borer, plow the field before March 31 and remove the mowing.

Deputy Director of Agriculture Department (Extension), Qasur Mohammad Akram Tahir, in his message to the farmers, while giving new recommendations for the Mondhi crop in Kamad, said that the season of early March is very suitable for keeping the crop Mondhi because the buds planted at that time are good and plants grow well. He told the farmers that the Mondhi crop requires more fertilizer than the lira crop. 378 Advise on sowing kama, selection of seed from leri crop, and avoiding taking seed from month crop. The agronomists of the Research Information Unit Ayub Agricultural Research Institute, Faisalabad have advised the farmers to select seeds from leri crops, avoid taking seeds from months crops and use the upper part of sugarcane for seed and said that the series of sowing of kama Farmers should not keep seeds affected by the blight disease and should be careful in the selection of seeds for spring cultivation of sugarcane and sowing of sugarcane should be done through three or four-eyed cuttings (seams) cut from the sugarcane itself. Necessary guidelines should be kept in mind while selecting seeds because only good seeds can give better yield, so always choose seeds from healthy, disease and pest-free crops. Cut pieces for seed should have at least two or three eyes. Do not use a sickle or planer to avoid injuring the eyes of the sugarcane and remove the cane stalk with your hands. Select from the crop (annual), do not select seed from even broadleaf crop.

The upper part of the sugarcane should be used for seed.

After preparing the seeds, sowing should not be delayed. If it is delayed for any reason, cover the seeds with a straw and keep sprinkling water at intervals so that the sugarcane does not dry. Soak for a minute and cultivate. In timely cultivation and other suitable conditions, 30 thousand seeds with 2 eyes or 20 thousand seeds with 3 eyes should be applied per acre. This number can be obtained from 100 to 120 maunds of seed depending on the thickness of the sugarcane. If cultivation is delayed. If necessary, the number of seeds can be increased by 10 to 15 percent with the advice of local experts of the Agriculture Department. Instructions to the farmers to burn and destroy Kamadaki Khori, Department of Agriculture, Kasur. He told the farmers that sick and weak sugarcane should be sorted out while making seeds and especially seeds should not be kept from a field that has a blood disease. Select and do not take the seed from the large cane crop and it is better to use the upper part of the cane for seed and send the lower part for good growth.

He said that the seed should not be taken from the fallen crop and the eyes should be protected from injury and the sugarcane should not be peeled with a sickle or a pestle for the seed, but the husk should be removed by hand. Growth will be less and there will be a risk of termite infestation. He said that after preparing the seeds, sowing should not be delayed and if it is delayed due for any reason, the seeds should be covered with straw. He said that the seed should be watered periodically to prevent it from drying out. He further instructed that the farmers should soak the seeds in fungicide solution for 3 to 5 minutes to get a better yield. Farmers are recommended to keep the seed rate of 8 to 10 kg per acre in case of cultivation of Baharia maize on vines and 12 to 15 kg per acre in case of drill cultivation. The agronomists of the Faisalabad University of Agriculture have instructed the farmers to keep the seed rate of 8 to 10 kg per acre in the case of Biharia maize cultivation on vines and 12 to 15 kg per acre in the case of drill cultivation and said that the cultivation of approved varieties of Biharia maize should be done in Punjab. To be completed by February 28 in all plains, by March 15 in other areas, and by March 20 in Rawalpindi Division except hilly areas so that a bumper crop of maize can be achieved. He said that the farmers can complete the cultivation of approved hybrid varieties of maize FH 810, Yusufwala hybrid, and other hybrid varieties by March 15 to get full production of Baharia maize.

He said that the cultivation of approved common varieties of maize Sahiwal 2002, Agiti 2002, MMRI Yellow, etc. can be achieved in all plain areas of Punjab till February 28.

He said that the farmers can also cultivate Baharia corn with a cotton drill, planter, pore, or Kira, for which the distance between the rows should be two and a half feet. He said that the farmers should plant the hybrid varieties of Bihariya maize at a distance of 6 to 8 inches after applying water on the slopes of the beds made from north to south. Farmers are recommended to keep the seed rate of 8 to 10 kg per acre in case of cultivation of Baharia maize on vines and 12 to 15 kg per acre in case of drill cultivation. Farmers are recommended to keep the seed rate of 8 to 10 kg per acre in case of cultivation of Baharia maize on vines and 12 to 15 kg per acre in case of drill cultivation. The wheat crop must be protected from the attack of harmful insects, Deputy Director Plant Protection. Deputy Director of Plant Protection, Pest Warning and Quality Control of Pesticides, Department of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Dr. Amir Rasool said that the production per acre can be increased by protecting the wheat crop from the attack of harmful insects, because sticky oils and slow oils, etc. Insects attack the crop and suck sap from the leaves, stems, and stalks of the plants, which weakens the plants and stalks, and in case of severe insect attack, the grains shrink, the leaves turn yellow and dry, and Black mold grows which affects the food production process in the plant.

He told APP that farmer-friendly and parasitic insects like ladybirds, beetles, crysopa, spiders, and surf fly do not increase the number of harmful insects on the wheat crop.

He said that as soon as the adults or children of the black moth are seen on the plants, release the adults or children of the beneficial insects on the attacked plants because these farmer-friendly insects easily eat about 100 adults or children of the black moth in a day and leave them in the field. Increase their numbers rapidly, with which the wheat crop can be protected timely from the attack of these harmful insects. He said that to protect the crop from the attack of harmful insects, destroy the weeds in time and uproot the affected plants and press them into the ground. Avoid use. Determine maturity of Tarshad fruits before bearing them, Department of Agriculture. The agriculture department of Kasur has issued instructions to the gardeners of Tarsada fruits regarding the tolerance of the fruits. The gardeners have been asked to determine the maturity of the Tarsada fruits before the tolerance.

The spokesperson of the Agriculture Department Kasur told "APP" that the fruit should be plucked when there is an adequate amount of sweetness in them and the fruit has reached its standard weight. Reduce the size of

He said that fruit-bearing should be done in the morning and after bearing the fruits should be kept in dry and shaded places. 378. Variety, quality, and packing of broken fruits at the same time to get a good price. Growers should select such fertile mirazmin for new date palm plants, says Date Palm Research Institute. Date Palm Research Institute Ari Faisalabad has instructed date palm gardeners and growers to select well-drained fertile Meera lands for planting new date palm plantations during the end of February this month and next month March. Through better plant growth, they can later help them to get a good harvest.

The spokesman of the Date Palm Research Institute said that after Saudi Arabia and Iraq, Pakistan has an important position among the countries that produce high-quality dates, but the reason for the low production of dates in Pakistan in general, while in Punjab in particular, is the date of the gardeners and farmers here. Not being fully aware of modern cultivation issues. He said that a hot and dry climate is required for palm trees. He said that it is very important for the weather to be dry especially when the flowers are coming out. He said that while planting new palm trees, the farmers should choose fertile marshland in which water can drain. He said that further guidance can be obtained from agricultural experts in this regard. Agriculturists encourage farmers to shift 10 to 12-cm tall chilies to paddy fields. Farmers have been encouraged to shift chili to cheese fields and it is said that chili is an important and cash-generating crop like some other crops grown in Pakistan which is cultivated in a large area in Punjab and Sindh, so if the cheese is timely. If cultivation is ensured, farmers can get better production.

The experts of the Faisalabad University of Agriculture encouraged the farmers that not only chillies are used to cook curries in homes and hotels, but their surplus production is also exported to foreign countries, which can earn valuable foreign exchange. He said that when the plants are transferred to the field, their height should be 10 to 12 cm. He said that the farmers should water the nursery 2 to 3 hours before the transfer of Paneri to prevent their roots from breaking while uprooting the Paneri.

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