Episode No. 14 - Thought of Iqbal - Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem

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Episode No. 14 - Thought of Iqbal - Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem

 Maulana Shibli was present there, he applauded and said that when the seats of Hali # and Azad # are vacant, people will look for Iqbal. Azad Nasr # was a charming writer, but his rank in poetry was not very high, but Hali # was a master in his poetry, and he had a lot of patience in simple refrains.

To make simplicity effective, like Wordsworth, is the work of a poet who has been given a special essence by nature.
The stain of national poetry has also been cast by bad times, but it was such a time in the life of the Muslims that national poetry was mostly the mourning of the nation. The empire had left the hands of the Muslims, and their sciences and arts had become obsolete. The supporters of the religion were ignorant friends of Islam and were oblivious to the demands of the present age. The Muslims had neither the wealth of the world nor the wealth of the religion. ... That is why most of Hali's poems are depressed:
The chest remained in the chest as long as the breath lasted
We stayed and the nation mourned Iqbal
He did not understand anything about the treatment, so Hali # says that we should just pray now and thinks about what will happen with our dua, we should request dua O Khasa Khasaan Rasul, it is time to pray
It is a strange time for the Ummah
We are good or bad, but the end is yours
The ratio is very good if the situation is bad
Apart from Hali and Azad, the rest of the poets of Delhi and Lucknow, Agra, and Oudh were still beating the old lines in Taghzal and sucking the crushed bones.
What was this poetry? The vain practice of rhyming and false pretensions:
He is the son-in-law of Mr. Dagh and hails from Delhi
Iqbal started living poetry at a time when all other ghazal poets were doing the same. These poets were also opposed to Hali because they did not see any irony in his national and natural poetry. The Urdu language was monopolized by a few cities and in those cities also by a few families and a few neighborhoods.
Hali was not considered authentic because his homeland was Panipat where the language was not Taksali. Hali said brightly
Hali was given a bad name by his homeland
But you defamed your country
When Hali was treated this way, who was born in Lahore or Sialkot, but God has it that the greatest poet of all Urdu poets was born where Punjabi is spoken in every house.
The claimants of the Taksali language started criticizing Iqbal about the language and idiom in the beginning, but Iqbal remained unconcerned and continued on his special path of art. Iqbal's coin was sitting in the hearts of those who were familiar with the status of poetry, the competition and comparison of Dagh and Amir Minai were still going on and he was expressing his excellence in his art that Iqbal's fame started to be heard all over India. The subject of his poetry and his style of thought and imagination were different from those of the early and late teachers and none of his contemporaries could write poems of this style.
In Iqbal, the realism and sincerity of the current situation, combined with the imagination of the dominant, along with the sentiment of patriotism and the pain of the nation, as well as deep philosophical subjects and wise thoughts and mysticism and separations, wearing the garb of influential poetry, rose to prominence in the world of literature. happened All these elements and attributes are also present in the poetry of Iqbal's early period. From the point of view of art, maturity can be seen in this master Kamal from the beginning. There are high-level poems on beauty and love, in the love is virtual and love is real, but not those rare feelings and thoughts about love that appeared with great pomp and splendor in the last stage of evolution.

Self-contemplation, which is the product of Iqbal's special philosophy of life, is rarely seen by the poet of this era, there are many heart-warming and heart-warming songs of patriotism in it since until now Iqbal has given his scholarship to reforming the nation and preaching. Hayat was not declared, therefore poems and poems related to it are found only by searching.
In these poems, a poet is found who is influenced by every aspect of life, the subjects of his poetry are not limited yet, but there are very few poems that are devoid of philosophical thoughts.
In Iqbal's words, poetry and wisdom are visible from the beginning, but nowhere has empty philosophy prevailed over poetry. All the elements of Iqbal who came later are also present in this period, but their completion required further evolution, there are some themes of the poetry of this period that have almost disappeared later and their faint glimpses remain here and there. gone, the spirit of geographical patriotism that exists in the first period will be lost going forward, the waves of virtual love that are present in it will also be seen in the poems written in Europe, but the wisdom and intuition, and pain of the nation The abundance will disappear later, Ishq will become an infinite passion of life and self-Lord. There is some traditional Sufism in the poetry of this period, which will later turn into the Ijtihadi Sufism of Iqbal. The element of Islamism is not yet prominent, the inclination is more towards Wasi al-Mashrabi, the poet has not yet reached a firm belief, he still seems to be groping for the secret of life. It has not yet come out of the appearance of belief and suspicion. A Maulvi Sahib who has raised objections about him that he is known to be a Sufi and also a Rind is a Muslim but does not consider a Hindu to be an infidel. He seems to be somewhat Shia and pedantic, he considers music to be part of worship, and like most poets, he is not shy of beauty sellers, he joins dance and song gatherings at night and humbly recites in the morning. Maulvi Sahib says that we do not understand the history of these total opposites.

What Iqbal has said in response to all this is the true picture of Iqbal's nature in this era. This is the period when life is a mystery for Iqbal, deep thoughts arise but do not reach the bottom of reality, life is not revealed, and he does not understand his secrets of himself yet, so the enthusiasm to preach some truth is also developed. Does not happen:
I do not know my reality
Deep in the dead sea of thoughts
I also wish to see Iqbal
A lot of tears during his separation
Even Iqbal is not aware of Iqbal
There is no mockery in it and there is no God
During this period, Iqbal has come to realize that he is a poet of high rank and he is proud of being a poet. He considers a good poet of his kind to be the eye of the nation, who is also able to see and also shed tears from the pain of the nation:

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