Episode No. 15 - Thought of Iqbal - Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem

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Episode No. 15 - Thought of Iqbal - Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem

 It has been taken from the home theater

Wine gives me the pleasure of knowledge
After staying there for some time and tasting the intoxication of this wine, he concluded that this intoxication is not the state of burning and sedation and it is not the sorrow and love from which the soul obtains its sustenance:
Monday morning! The fruit of the faring has a lively effect on it
It is not a case of grief, so give me a house builder
Iqbal was an Eastern man, he was fond of Eastern spirituality, all religions have been born in different regions of the recent East, and the East has always been the cradle of religions and the source of spirituality, the East has also developed worldly civilizations and civilizations. He created the ranks, he also created sciences and arts, he also made big country conquests, and vast empires were also established here, along with prophets, sages, and minions, brave swordsmen like Genghis, Halako, and Timur were also born here. But despite all these upheavals and upheavals, the highest souls of the East continued to avoid materialism towards spirituality, and even the big and young Kisha continued to submit to the spiritual beings.
A youth like Akbar Azam and a master of worldly politics also walked barefoot to a dervish like Salim Chishti to ask him to pray for his children. Named after the same dervish. Shah Jahan builds a jewel-encrusted throne for nine million rupees to defeat the might of Qaiser and Kasra, but before making a procession on it, he prostrates on the ground in front of the throne and says to God that Pharaoh's throne is made of ebony. used to sit on and claim divinity, I express my gratitude and servitude before sitting on this modesty.
  Maybe someone will say that making such a throne is where is servitude and where is humility. But it is only worth noting that an oriental man, along with his curiosity, also tries to keep in touch with God in the depths of his heart, before whom all worldly pleasures are hatched and to whom only dervishes have access. can be through
  Poetry also has the same effect on the eastern man, which is seasoned with spirituality, Sana'i, and Attar and Rumi's hold on the hearts of the eastern man is more than Ferdowsi, Anwari, and Khaqani.
Even before going to Europe, Iqbal was fond of many styles of English poetry and he benefited a lot from Western models, but the color of Eastern spirituality also rose on Western thoughts and thus new compounds were born from the combination of East and West. But the Eastern element always prevailed.
Iqbal got various benefits from living in Europe, developing a close relationship with Hikmat Farang and directly observing its culture and civilization.
Iqbal's eyes were inquisitive from the beginning, so there could not be any doubt of blind imitation of the West in his life. He also saw the surface appearances of Europe, but at the same time, he also looked deeply into its interior. He also became aware that there was a flaw in this construction.
In Europe, he also saw the charisma of intellect, but at the same time, he saw that the eyes of this knowledge and art are mostly towards the body and not towards the mind, the mind is trained but the heart is left thirsty and hungry. : Every village of Afrang is like Firdaus
But this Khald is only the sight of Paradise and the sight of Firdaus, whose exemplary end of his captivity was also expressed by Ghalib in a passage at the end of his life:
O fresh blessing of the heart
Zinhar, if you have lust and drink
Iqbal saw that the underbelly of Farang has become devoid of the love which is the guarantor of the creative and true evolution of the infinite values of life within the human soul.
The Eastern seer who saw it manifest in Europe issued a fatwa regarding it:
The commotion of the hot entity is impotent
The flash of lightning is the evil eye
Be it Syed Ahmad Khan or his participants, Shibli and Hali, Chirag Ali, Nazir Ahmad, or Maulvi Zakaullah, all saw the bright side of Western civilization. They were overwhelmed, they consciously or unconsciously felt that not only civilization and science and arts but also moral standards should be obtained from the West. If he compares the East and the West, he acknowledges the superiority of the West with a sense of inferiority. He considers the imitation of the West to be the only way to progress in everything except Christian beliefs. This Westernization was not present in Iqbal even before he went to Europe, but after the emergence of Ain al-Iqeen and Haq al-Iqeen regarding the facts of Europe, a strong reaction against the West arose in Iqbal's nature. The development of Europe was mostly intellectual, so he started a jihad against this physics-based reason which continued with full enthusiasm until his last moments. Iqbal wrote very little poetry in Europe. The reason for this is that he was engaged in teaching and researching philosophy and collecting materials for writing. The kind of free time and free heart required for poetry was not available to him, and seeing the struggle of Europe, this thought also began to circulate in his mind:
What the nations are doing is not a joke to them, but for a natural poet like Iqbal, complete peace was not possible. Even in the poems of this era, which are very few, the poetry of every color is found. There are high-level poems on beauty and love. it was impossible for the young poet not to be influenced by the feminine beauty in Farang, so some of the poems are about specific lovers. Among these poems, there is a wonderful poem entitled "Hassan wa Ishq" which is not a philosophy of Hasan and Ishq, but an impression created by the beauty of one Hussain.
By the way, all Urdu and Persian ghazals are in love poetry, but this kind of subtle love ghazal or poem will not be found in the words of any Urdu or Persian poet:
As the boat sinks, Seeman Qamar
Confusion in the storm of Noor Khursheed
As soon as it gets lost, take the light
The same color as the lotus on a moonlit night
In appearance, such as Yad Baizae Kalim
I have the same heart in my love

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