Google is shutting down its social networking app.

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Google is shutting down its social networking app.

 Google is shutting down its social networking app, the name of which you may not have heard Google is ending another social networking application. You must not have heard the name of this application. This application called Shoelace was launched in July last year. The purpose of this application was to connect people who are nearby or in the same area so that they can participate in similar activities like participating in sports or watching shows.

Google says Shoelace's servers will be shut down on May 12.
The service was still in the experimental stages by Google's Area 120 and was only available in New York.
Area 120 is Google's incubator where Google employees work on new ideas.
Google says they don't want to invest more in the project due to the current health crisis.

Google doesn't want to bring back this app in the future either.
New York has been the most affected in the United States due to the Coronavirus pandemic. This app cannot be used for its intended purpose under current circumstances. In such a situation, Google has considered it better to close this application instead of working on it further.

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