How much exercise is necessary to strengthen muscles?

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How much exercise is necessary to strengthen muscles?

 How much exercise is necessary to strengthen muscles? The importance of exercise for physical and mental health cannot be denied, but how much time is needed to strengthen muscles?

Carving out some time for consistent daily exercise is more important for muscle strength than occasional intense exercise.

This was revealed in a clinical study conducted in Australia and Japan.

A joint study by Edith Cowan University and Nishi Kyushu University involved 3 groups who performed hand muscle strengthening exercises for 4 weeks.

2 groups exercised more intensively only one day a week while one group exercised part time up to 5 days a week.

After 4 weeks, it was discovered that there was no change in muscle size or strength in those who exercised once a week.

But those who exercised 6 days a week had a 10% increase in muscle mass.

An earlier study also discovered that just a few minutes of exercise 5 days a week is enough to improve physical health.

Experts involved in this new study said that people think that it is beneficial to exercise long hours in the gym one or two days a week, but this is not true. .

Although the study only examined the muscles of the hands, the researchers said, "We believe that other muscles may have the same benefit."

He said that physical activities can be different but it is important to make them routine.

He said that recent evidence suggests that routine weight training, even if only for a short period of time, is beneficial for muscle strength.

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