Eating mangoes is not harmful to diabetic patients?

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Eating mangoes is not harmful to diabetic patients?

 Eating mangoes is not harmful to diabetic patients? In summer, mangoes are piled up in the markets, which makes the mouth water just by looking at them.

Mangoes contain a lot of natural sweetness and that is why diabetics are concerned that this sweetness does not cause blood sugar levels to rise. Can diabetics eat mango?
Of course, diabetics cannot eat mangoes to their heart's content, but complete avoidance is also not necessary. There are a few reasons for this.

Mangoes contain nutrients called carbohydrates (a group of chemical compounds such as glucose, sugar, starch, and cellulose) that are converted to sugar in the body and affect blood glucose levels.

Diabetics should choose their every food based on the glycemic index (GI).

In this index, a food is rated on a scale of 0 to 100 based on its effect on blood sugar.

0 means no effect on blood sugar while 100 indicates pure sugar.

Any food on this index with a score of less than 55 can be considered a good choice for diabetics, and mango (with a score of 51) is one such fruit.

That is, eating it does not cause an immediate spike in blood glucose levels as another nutrient called fiber in this fruit helps in keeping blood sugar levels stable.

Fiber slows the absorption of sugar in the body and has a gradual effect on blood sugar levels.

But as mentioned above, eating mangoes in moderation is good for diabetics, eating them in excess will cause the blood sugar to rise very quickly, which is harmful to diabetics.

So what precautions should be taken?
The best way to prevent high blood sugar from eating mangoes is to not eat too much at one time and also consult a doctor.

Diabetic patients shouldn't eat more than 2 slices in a day, but after eating 2 slices, see if the blood sugar level has increased and then determine how much more is better in the following days. will remain

And yes, avoid drinking mango juice as it is high in sweetness and it is better to consume this fruit during the daytime.

On the day you eat mangoes, do not consume any other foods that are high in sugar.


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