Simple habits to help keep bones strong as you age Bones are more likely to weaken as they age, as their volume decreases.

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Simple habits to help keep bones strong as you age Bones are more likely to weaken as they age, as their volume decreases.

 Simple habits to help keep bones strong as you age Bones are more likely to weaken as they age, as their volume decreases.

Bone weakness can occur at any age, and vitamin or mineral deficiencies or lifestyle choices play a role. According to experts, bone mass declines with age, especially in women. This is a very common problem.

But the good news is that it is possible to improve bone health at any age by adopting a few simple habits.

Experts have pointed out that habits that can be adopted at any age can improve bone health on a long-term basis.

Taking care of important vitamins and minerals for bones
If our body does not make calcium, we have to resort to food and supplements to get it. According to experts, we should consume 1300 mg of calcium daily, for this purpose, drinking a glass of milk with every meal helps. Can provide or eating yogurt is also beneficial.

Similarly, green leafy vegetables, fish, seeds, cheese, pulses and beans, almonds, and figs also help in getting calcium.

Along with calcium, vitamin D is also important for bone health, which can be obtained from sunlight as well as fortified products made from fish, eggs, and milk. Vitamin D supplements can also be used on the advice of doctors.

Vitamin K (K) and magnesium are also great for bone health.

Vitamin K (K) is found in green leafy vegetables while magnesium can be obtained from nuts and whole grains.

Both of these supplements can also be used on the advice of doctors.

Make exercise a routine
Exercise, especially walking, jogging, and dancing also helps strengthen bones. Similarly, weight-bearing exercises increase bone density, which improves bone health.

According to experts, exercise should be done at least 4 times a week for 30 to 45 minutes.

Experts say it's possible to improve bone health by regularizing physical activity at any point in life. Be mindful of lifestyle factors.
Smoking and alcohol consumption weakens bones, while high-salt diets also affect bone health.

Similarly, excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, and soft drinks is also harmful to bones.

So avoiding or at least consuming all of them is important for bone health.

Keep track of family history
Genes play an important role in bone health, and if a parent, grandparent, or great-grandparent has suffered from bone disease, you may have it too.

So such people should get their bone health checked after a certain period of time.

Note: This article is based on details published in medical journals, readers must consult their physician in this regard.

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