Why are some people left-handed?

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Why are some people left-handed?

 Why are some people left-handed? In cricket, you must have seen that some batsmen are called right-handed while some are left-handed.

But what is the reason that most people are right-handed but some use their left hand more? According to an estimate, one out of every 10 people around the world is left-handed or so. Assume that it is a left-hander.

The truth is that there is no solid explanation that can answer this question, but there have been several ideas in this regard, while some evidence suggests that it is the result of some kind of genetic influence.

But what is the reason that the percentage of people who are born right-handed and left-handed is not 50, 50? Some experts believe that this is the result of social pressure that has existed in our society for thousands of years.

That is, society is dominated by people who use the right arm and tools and goods are produced according to them, this pressure is transmitted from generation to generation.

Some experts say that the reason lies in the brain. The left side of our brain controls the right side of the body while the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body.

So most people overuse the left side of the brain, which is associated with language and other abilities, resulting in right-handedness.

Although the role of genes is considered important in this regard, left-handed parents are more likely to give birth to a right-handed child, which baffles scientists. Researchers have not been able to identify these genes so far. which increase the likelihood of an individual being left-handed.

A 2019 study based on data from 400,000 people revealed 4 genetic regions associated with right- or left-handedness.

But other research reports indicated that there may be dozens of genes that determine whether one is left- or right-handed to write or play. In addition, some research reports said that children grow up to be left-handed. Whether to prefer to use or straight hand, is determined in the mother's womb.

So the short answer to all this debate is that there are a lot of ideas out there and researchers are having trouble putting them together.

That is, right now they are unable to tell what is the real reason, but they are working hard to find out the answer. Well, when the answer to this question is found, then the problem will be in front of them. Why are some people able to use both hands equally?

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