Another unusually alarming effect of climate change has been revealed

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Another unusually alarming effect of climate change has been revealed


Another unusually alarming effect of climate change has been revealed

Scientists have warned that Earth has reached an 'unknown point' in the climate change crisis as ocean temperatures have risen 'unprecedented' over the past month.

According to scientists examining data from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the rapid increase in ocean temperatures in recent weeks and months is unusual and cannot be explained yet.

This data was obtained from satellites and other sources and it was discovered that the sea temperature has recorded a continuous increase during the last 42 days.

It is believed that this year, the world will experience an El Niño climate wave. During El Niño, the sea surface becomes warmer than normal, which increases the temperature around the world.

In contrast, during La Niña, the temperature of the central and eastern Pacific remains low while strong winds blow, reducing global temperatures.

For the last 3 years, the La Nina wave has been observed and the El Nino system has not yet formed but the sea temperature is increasing due to unknown reasons.

Sea temperatures usually drop during March and April, but something unusual happened this year.

Professor Mike Meredith of the British Antarctic Survey said the discovery has left scientists scratching their heads  It is not yet known whether this is a short-term or a long-term phenomenon." A serious crisis has begun.

Rising sea temperatures are worrisome for several reasons, one of which is that warmer seawater tends to rise, causing sea levels to rise.

Similarly, warmer polar waters accelerate the melting of ice sheets and higher temperatures affect the marine environment.

Some scientists fear that this is a sign that climate change is happening faster than expected.

It should be noted that 90 percent of the heat rising due to the increase in global temperature is absorbed by the oceans.

Professor Mike said that it is too early to say anything, but the increase in sea temperature is much higher than the climate predictions, but we still do not know what the real event is.

Earlier, preliminary data from NOAA showed that the average sea surface temperature at the beginning of April 2023 was recorded at 21.1 degrees Celsius, breaking the record of 21 degrees Celsius set in 2016. The record is the result of climate change.

Since then, there has been a slight daily variation in the sea temperature, but it has shown no sign of abating.

According to scientists, the prolonged above-average temperature during these months of the year is a concern.

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