Mind-reading AI technology developed

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Mind-reading AI technology developed

Mind-reading AI technology developed
AI technology 

 Mind-reading AI technology developed Scientists from the University of Texas, USA, have created this AI model that can read the mind.

The results of a study on this AI model showed that a brain scanning machine called fMRI was used for this purpose.

The subjects involved in the research were asked to imagine a story while being scanned. The AI model succeeded in accurately predicting the story from the subjects' brain waves.

Such technology could benefit people who have lost the ability to communicate in the future, the researchers said.

He said that this had never been done before and that such technology usually predicted one-word or short sentences.

But this new AI model was able to translate the stories in people's minds into written form.

However, he did not write the complete story but presented the main idea that was activated in the mind of the volunteers.

During the research, volunteers were also asked to watch a video with no sound and found that the AI technology could learn the main idea of the video from the thoughts of these individuals.

The researchers acknowledged that many times the AI model presented ideas in different words because not all brains are the same.

He said further work on this model would enable it to understand more complex ideas.

This new technique does not even require implanting a chip in the brain but instead relies on brain scans.

This is why it requires a large machine to process and is impossible to use outside the laboratory.

But scientists hope to be able to develop a portable machine that can be used anywhere.

The results of this study were published in the journal Nature Neurosciences.

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