From 25 July 2018 to 25 July 2023

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From 25 July 2018 to 25 July 2023


From 25 July 2018 to 25 July 2023

I am writing this line on 25 July 2023. Five years ago today, there was a drama in the name of an election, in which Imran Khan Ahmed Khan Niazi was selected and placed in the post of Prime Minister. Their project was started in 2010 by the military establishment which reached its peak in 2018. Five years ago today, RTS was appointed to make him the selected Prime Minister. The polling agents were thrown out and then barbarians were barred in favor of PTI candidates. On that day, in the Geoki election transmission, when I talked about forcing out the daughter of Isfandiar Wali Khan, who was his polling agent, and other polling agents of the same type, I was pulled out of the election transmission under the pressure of ISPR. The whole nation is aware of the way the media was silenced by the establishment during Imran Khan's rule. Is. But everything did not happen on July 25. Earlier, people from other parties were forced to join PTI by blackmailing and putting them in jail. Then Muslim League (N), Jamaat-e-Islami, MQM and nationalist parties continued to be treated in the same manner as PTI is being treated at this time. Then the PTI people used to attack the army and its agencies and kept threatening poor people like us. The People's Party and JUI were also under pressure, but being the most intelligent, the leadership of these two parties managed to make deals with the establishment. She kept saving you. After becoming the Prime Minister, Imran Khan started to rule on the signals of others by keeping aside his slogans and constitution. Some decisions were made by the establishment. Sir Aina was his reflection and so Aina was the establishment. He made important appointments based on his wife's dreams and signals. Foreign policy by people like Goldsmith and Jared Kushner Continued to run on signals. On his part, the people he included in the government team were of three types. One of them was their ATMs. Second, those who were serving him personally in different cities and different countries, and third, those who were sent to him by the IMF or the Western lobby. So, as long as he was in power, he did not care about the law or ethics. And not the needs of the nation. His priority was to subdue his opponents in politics and journalism. They destroyed and polarized the political, social and journalistic culture. They continued to use the name of the state of Madinah for political purposes, but the team was made up of such people whose character even Satan would be ashamed of. From Jahangir Tareen to Mohsin Baig, they kept putting their hands on the neck of each benefactor and in the end, they fought with their biggest benefactor i.e. the army for their wife and the Western powers. So they had the same fate as a creation It happens in the form of a fight with the creator. Imran Khan is moving towards his end, but after the hand of patronage was removed from his head, the way was cleared for the opposition and taking advantage of the opportunity, a government comprising all parties was established at the centre under the leadership of Mian Shahbaz Sharif. We thought that these parties must have learned some lessons from Imran Khan's Jabrostam, but unfortunately, the parties in the new government started following the footsteps of PTI. In one year, such examples of corruption were established that people started to forget the era of PTI. The saddest thing was that this time the JUI was defeated by the People's Party at the centre. In any case, this government has completed its term and now after a few days caretaker governments are being formed to hold elections at the centre as well, but unfortunately, instead of fighting with positive politics, the anti-PTI parties now want them to hold elections in 2023. Become a TI and shamelessly Imran Khan came to power in an unethical manner, these people should also be brought to power in the same manner. A clear example of this is the desire of some people to make Ishaq Dar caretaker prime minister. The first qualification for a caretaker prime minister is impartiality. Another example of these parties' desire to become PTI is the government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in the name of caretaker government consisting of incompetent, most corrupt and ATMs of political leaders. Just as some people at the centre want to make Mian Nawaz Sharif's samadhi the caretaker prime minister, in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Maulana Fazlur Rehman trampled on merit and made his samdhi Haji Ghulam Ali the governor. Now ANP's Emil Wali Khan, People's Party spokesperson Faisal Karim Kundi and Muslim League (N)'s spokesperson and key leader Akhtar Wali are repeatedly saying that Haji is the de facto Chief Minister of the province. Ghulam Ali is while he corruption on JUI And they are also making the worst accusations of violation of merit (Haji Ghulam Ali is not satisfied with them, so they are making speeches against me in places saying that Saleem Safi is an American agent, but I want to tell them that you should not lie and social media). No matter how far you go in media trolling, you cannot reach PTI and if they can't silence me with fatwas and trolling along with the then establishment, you will never be able to either). The above-mentioned leaders of the three parties themselves are saying that we have three ministers in the cabinet while JUI has more than a dozen ministers. This province is in the worst state of war but these people are engaged in disputes over positions and looting and they are not interested in the issue of law and order. JUI is sitting in the driving seat and has no narrative on the issue of militancy.Thus, the need of the hour is to remove the controversial governor and the controversial political cabinet in the province A neutral cabinet containing crates should be made. Circumstances and evidence indicate that the upcoming elections will be controversial and if the elections are held in the presence of such clear and biased governments instead of non-responsive ones, it will be disastrous for the country. The rest is the will of those who run it.

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