Torrential rains: Precautionary measures essential

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Torrential rains: Precautionary measures essential


Torrential rains: Precautionary measures essential

Pakistan has been facing the disasters of rains and floods for the last several decades, every year the people have to bear life and financial losses. The sad thing is that despite the government's claims, the concerned institutions do not plan in advance to control them. In view of the falling water level, rains are a great blessing of God, but due to a lack of water storage arrangements, most of the rainwater is wasted and due to poor security measures, this blessing is not available in many places, especially for the poor and slum dwellers. It becomes bothersome. It should have been that before the rainy season, a solid plan should have been adopted to clean the rivers and canals, correct the sewage system and prevent the damage caused by rains, and to the extent possible, emergency measures should have been taken to store water so that the water The problem of scarcity can also be overcome. Perhaps this aspect has not been given as much attention as it should have been. Recent events across the country 41 people have been killed so far in the incidents of monsoon rains, flooding in rivers, landslides, falling walls, roofs and electrocution. The Karakoram highway is closed due to landslides in Gilgit Diamir river. Tourists have been trapped due to flooding of bridges and connecting roads in different areas, crops have been severely damaged due to inundation of low-lying areas. It is also predicted that the next spell of monsoon will continue from July 31 to August 6, in which the risk of landslides including flash and urban flooding will remain. The threat of Indian water aggression is also there. We have not yet been able to deal with the disasters of last year. We should investigate whether the real problem is administrative failure or something else along with the security measures. The Karakoram highway is closed due to landslides in Gilgit Diamir river. Tourists have been trapped due to flooding of bridges and connecting roads in different areas, crops have been severely damaged due to inundation of low-lying areas. It is also predicted that the next spell of monsoon will continue from July 31 to August 6, in which the risk of landslides including flash and urban flooding will remain. The threat of Indian water aggression is also there. We have not yet been able to deal with the disasters of last year. We should investigate whether the real problem is administrative failure or something else along with the security measures. The Karakoram highway is closed due to landslides in Gilgit Diamir river. Tourists have been trapped due to flooding of bridges and connecting roads in different areas, crops have been severely damaged due to inundation of low-lying areas. It is also predicted that the next spell of monsoon will continue from July 31 to August 6, in which the risk of landslides including flash and urban flooding will remain. The threat of Indian water aggression is also there. We have not yet been able to deal with the disasters of last year. We should investigate whether the real problem is administrative failure or something else along with the security measures. The risk of landslides including flash and urban flooding will remain. The threat of Indian water aggression is also there. We have not yet been able to deal with the disasters of last year. We should investigate whether the real problem is administrative failure or something else along with the security measures. The risk of landslides including flash and urban flooding will remain. The threat of Indian water aggression is also there. We have not yet been able to deal with the disasters of last year. We should investigate whether the real problem is administrative failure or something else along with the security measures.

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