Global average daily sea surface temperature, 2016 record broken

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Global average daily sea surface temperature, 2016 record broken

Global average daily sea surface temperature, 2016 record broken

Global average daily sea surface temperature, 2016 record broken

 Global average daily sea surface temperature, 2016 record broken

This week, the global daily average sea level temperature reached its highest level since 2016, with a daily average temperature of 20.96 degrees Celsius.

According to the Climate Change Service, the global average daily sea surface temperature reached 20.96 degrees Celsius this week, breaking the 2016 record of 20.95 degrees Celsius. .

The Climate Change Service says that oceans are usually not that warm in August, but oceans around the world are warmest in March.

According to them, the oceans control the climate, absorbing heat, the cool sea breezes making the earth's excess temperature tolerable.

The Climate Change Service said that as the oceans warm, their ability to absorb carbon dioxide will decrease and this will lead to will lead to more Warming oceans also play an important role in melting ice, they say, and faster melting ice can lead to sea level rise.

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