Episode No. 16 - Thought of Iqbal - Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem

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Episode No. 16 - Thought of Iqbal - Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem

 In one place, Iqbal has said about himself:

That the teaching of philosophy is dear to me
It is known that apart from universal love, individual love is also sometimes exercised, what one says when seeing a cat in someone's lap is also the grief of the same secret.
But in Iqbal's nature, along with the beauty and love of each individual and every component, the passion for beauty and love also emerges, and for Iqbal, the story is not complete without explaining his philosophy, the story begins with the cat:

Who taught you to be sneaky?
Who told the beginning of love?
How love is born from every pay
How intelligence drips from blue eyes
But in the last poems, the sense of beauty and love spreads over the universe:
Are you curious? Whose wish is it?
Ahh! Is there a trade of the same thing?
There is no sense of beauty in a particular person
The form of heart is the inner core of everything
Ishq is like wine in Shisha Dahar
The soul is the sun, the blood is the vein, the love is love
His heart is hidden in every particle
Light is that which is reflected in everything
Some things are happiness, some are sorrow
Somewhere there is a gem, somewhere there are tears, somewhere there is dew
Even in Kuli's poem, the sun is also a ghost:
Dead Khurshid! Never lift your veil
However, the vision is longing
Be the seat of glory in the chest of the dead
Be the reflection of your dead in the mirror
Let me see my sun from afar
Adjective Ghancha Hum Aghor Raho Noor se me
Regarding Iqbal's love poems, it should be especially noted that if he wrote a poem about a beloved, then he was a real person, Iqbal's poetry is nowhere artificial.
Diwans of Urdu and Persian are full of such ghazals which are not related to a specific beloved, most of the time the beloved is a fictitious lover, and all the impressions and imaginations related to this fictitious idol are created by imagination. Such poetry is not poetry but merely artificial, like in Khumriat, such people filled the divans of drunkards who have never touched a wine grape but in their imagination spent their whole life in drunkenness and taverns.

  Looking at the drunkards of Riyadh, who can believe that this man of God never drank, but those who are familiar with his life are witnesses of his piety. Look at Amir Minai, a pilgrim, always glorified, abiding, and ascetic. Generates points:
There were four drops of this wine in the grape
From the day it is drawn, the sword has become
But the artificial love of a fictitious lover, in his narration, the poetry of Avard is full of bitterness and what does not come from the heart, does not enter the heart.
Both Dagh and Amir Menai competed against each other in lustful lyrics, but Amir Menai was ascetic and Dagh had a real touch with the object, which he enjoyed describing in its various aspects. It is said that Amir Minai declared a fast in front of Dagh that we were very strong in ghazal but your ghazal could not be done. In response, Dagh said that Bhai Joro's love song is similar to yours.

Those who are familiar with Iqbal's life know well that even in the days of Randi and Shabab, he was "passive" in the matter of love, and in "Dil Bakse Na Bakhta" he said the right thing about himself. Is. According to Ghalib, he was an Egyptian bee in this matter, not a honey bee, whose feet should sink into it:
I stayed in my place and my opponent was dismissed
Nama Labish Angbin and Nama Tabar Zed
Among the poems written in Europe, one of the poems mentions being a lover everywhere, and the title of this poem is Aashiq Everywhere:
It is a wonderful collection of opposites, O Iqbal
There is excitement, commotion, and solitude
Feminine beauty is electricity for your nature
The wonder is that your love is careless
The constitution of your being is based on sacrifice
So sometimes there is a first on a hermitage?
Among the Husain, faithfulness is unknown to you
O Talon Kesh is famous as well as disgraced
I have brought it to where I am used to
The charity of your beating, it is a wonder you are beating
In the second stanza of this poem, an attempt has been made to justify this jealousy and disloyalty.
He says that the heart that is in my chest is a cut diamond that has many facets and in each facet, a new color is reflected. How can I always be caught in the love of a Hussain? My loyalty is to Hussain and not to any individual Hussain.
Every demand should be of the nature of love, which is satisfied
Ahh! I have that perfect manifestation
The search for tomorrow turns me into a component
Beauty is endless, I keep the pain
Life is dead from the pain of death
I keep love free and faithful

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