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Election preparation

 Election preparation

The constitutional term of two out of four provincial assemblies, including the national one, is going to end on August 12, 2023. In this case, according to the parliamentary calendar, general elections must be held by October 12 and if they are dissolved earlier, then within 90 days. Under Article 224(1) of the Constitution, an extension of this period is possible if the assemblies are dissolved before the expiry of the period. In the context of the overall situation, the press conference held by Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) Secretary Umar Hameed Khan on Thursday should dispel the doubts in the public and political circles, in which it is clear that whether the assemblies are dissolved on time or before, the preparations for the elections are complete. And it will be according to the old census. Earlier, Federal Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah has also made it clear that if the census is not notified by the day of the dissolution of the assemblies, it is necessary for the Election Commission to Elections should be conducted on the basis of old lists. Interior Minister said regarding the supervisory setup after the dissolution of the assemblies in the Geo programme, that the Prime Minister is working on it, he will consult with the Leader of Opposition and allies on the names he agrees on and the process will be completed in ten days. Secretary Election Commission says that if the census is approved by the Council of Common Interests, four to four and a half months will be required for the new constituencies. It should be remembered that the digital census of the country conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics revealed in the preliminary results of May 2023 that the country's population has exceeded 249.5 million, however, MQM, PTI and Jamaat-e-Islami raised objections to them, which must be removed in time. The apprehension among the people that what will happen if the Election Commission fails to conduct the elections in 60 or 90 days, may just be the propaganda of the negative elements who are eager to see unrest in the country and have undemocratic thinking. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif announced the dismissal of his government within the constitutional period next month in his broadcast and public gatherings, while the said press conference of the Secretary Election Commission has confirmed it. On Thursday, the Economic Coordination Committee approved the allocation of 42 billion 528 crore rupees for the general elections, after which the federal cabinet will approve it. The special parliamentary committee set up for electoral reforms has finalized the proposed amendments, which will be approved by the National Assembly and the Senate, according to which constituencies will be divided according to the equal number of registered voters, while the mandate of voting facilities for overseas Pakistanis will be assigned to the Election Commission. It is recommended to do. Conducting timely, impartial, and transparent elections is the most basic requirement of a democratic system. The doubts and suspicions found in this regard in recent days are not a new thing, but it has come to the fore in the elections held in the last two decades, which is mainly due to the tradition that grew up in the undemocratic era, which has now died.

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