Another alarming effect of climate change is revealed

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Another alarming effect of climate change is revealed

Another alarming effect of climate change is revealed

Another alarming effect of climate change is revealed

 Another alarming effect of climate change is revealed

Scientists have revealed another potentially worrisome effect of climate change.

A study published in the journal Nature Communications suggests that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current system, which includes the Gulf Stream, is close to collapsing.

Scientists have been monitoring this system for many years.

It is the Atlantic Ocean current system that determines the weather in Western Europe and parts of America.In 2019, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicted that the Gulf Stream system could collapse sometime after 2100.

But now scientists have said that due to climate change this will happen sooner than expected.

He said that if there is no reduction in the emission of toxic gases, this may happen in the middle of this century or even earlier by 2025.

The system, crucial to the world's climate, could collapse sometime between 2025 and 2095, with a higher probability of happening between 2039 and 2070, the University of Copenhagen in Denmark reported.

He said it was very frightening.

If this oceanic system ends, it could result in permanent drought in Africa, extreme cold in Western Europe, and changes in the monsoon season in the subcontinent, South America and West Africa.

The collapse of this system will lead to rapid global sea level rise.

Scientists said that every person in our world will be affected by the end of this system.

The researchers said that if the emissions of toxic gases that increase the temperature of our planet are not reduced, the Gulf Stream will collapse, which will have devastating effects on the global climate.

The last time this system stopped working was during the ice age, and according to experts' estimates, it happened between 115,000 and 12,000 years ago.

The research used sea surface temperature data collected from 1870 to the present to see what effects the Gulf Stream system had over time.

On the other hand, various scientists have doubted the results and said that there is no evidence to prove this.

He said that we know that there is a possibility of stopping the operation of this naval system, but it is not possible to say anything about it with certainty.

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