AI technology will surely put people out of jobs, warns ChatGPT creator

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AI technology will surely put people out of jobs, warns ChatGPT creator


AI technology will surely put people out of jobs, warns ChatGPT creator

AI technology will surely put people out of jobs, warns ChatGPT creator

AI technology will surely put people out of jobs, warns ChatGPT creator

Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) technology have caused people to fear that their jobs are at risk.

Now Sam Altman, founder of OpenAI, the developer of the most popular AI chatbots like ChatGPT, has confirmed this idea.

During an interview, Sam Altman said that it would be madness if we were not afraid of AI technology.

He said that people working in some sectors will definitely lose their jobs due to AI technology."Many people working on AI pretend that everything will be fine and that no one will have to leave their place, but the reality is that some jobs will definitely disappear," he added.

After ChatGPT was introduced in November 2022, technology companies around the world started working on AI.

Sam Altman said the widespread adoption of AI will also create new jobs.

He expected that people who will be influenced by AI technology, are expected to get better jobs.

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