Be careful flying planes over Karachi and Lahore, European Union Safety Agency

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Be careful flying planes over Karachi and Lahore, European Union Safety Agency

Be careful flying planes over Karachi and Lahore, European Union Safety Agency

Be careful flying planes over Karachi and Lahore, European Union Safety Agency

 Be careful flying planes over Karachi and Lahore, European Union Safety Agency

The European Union Safety Agency (IASA) has issued guidelines to European airlines.

The European Union Safety Agency says that European airlines should be careful when flying over Karachi and Lahore.

The agency says that there is a risk of being hit by anti-aircraft guns and missiles, so planes should fly above 26,000 feet to avoid being hit.

Ayasa has stated in the instructions issued on its website that these instructions have been issued due to the incidents of terrorism.

The European Union Safety Agency says that due to the Kashmir conflict, caution should be exercised while passing through the airspace of Lahore.

CAA's position on AISA guidelines
On the other hand, in this regard, the spokesperson of the Civil Aviation Authority has said that these instructions of the European Union Safety Agency are normal.

According to the CAA spokesperson, AISA did not inform Pakistan of any threat to European airlines.

Pakistani airspace is safe: Imran Aslam Khan
Apart from this, the Pakistan Aircraft Owners Operators Association has expressed a strong reaction to AISA's instructions regarding the threat to European airlines.

Imran Aslam Khan, the founder of the Aircraft Owners Operators Association, has said that IASA's instructions on Pakistani airspace are irresponsible, Pakistan's airspace is completely safe for all aircraft.

He has said that all the airports of Pakistan are safe for the planes of all airlines where daily flights of different airlines arrive.

Imran Aslam Khan has said that Pakistan's airspace is safe for all commercial and private aircraft, whether European airspace should be monitored where there are threats to aircraft.

He added that many airlines have changed their routes due to the threat in the European airspace, even with the tension between Ukraine and Russia, the European airspace is not safe for planes.

The Pakistan Aircraft Owners Operators Association has also demanded that AISA withdraw its advisory on Pakistani airspace.

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