The world's search engine is in their hands!

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The world's search engine is in their hands!


The world's search engine is in their hands!

The world's search engine is in their hands!

The motive of my column is this statement of King Abdullah of the Kingdom of Jordan, "Palestine is the problem of the Arabs, so it is better if the non-Arabs stay away from it." So let's see who and what are these Arabs?

There are four "Islamic states" surrounding Israel. Egypt, without which there can be no war in the Middle East. Second, Syria, without which there can be no peace in the Middle East. The third is Jordan, in whose presence no conflict between Israel and the Palestinians can be resolved, and the fourth is Lebanon, due to its secularism, secularism can be expected in other Arab countries as well. The total area of these four countries is 15 lakh square kilometres, which is helpless in front of the tiny Israeli state which has only 20 thousand kilometres. The 10 million to 25 million Muslims living in these four countries are just cabbage flowers in front of the 35 million Jews, i.e. one and a half billion Muslims and 35 million Jews. Is there any competition?

The question is why the Jews, despite being less in number, are not facing the same difficulties and sufferings in the world today that Muslims are facing despite being in large numbers. The total GDP of 58 Islamic countries is said to be around 2 trillion dollars, while the GDP of the United States alone is 14 trillion dollars. Today, 330 books are translated into Arabic annually in the whole Arab world, which includes 22 countries, while only one small country in Europe, Greece, has more than five times more books translated into Greek. It is said that as many books were translated during the reign of Caliph Mamun Rashid as are translated in Spain in a year today.

The best natural resources in the world are in the hands of Muslims. Important land, air and sea routes from a defence point of view are owned by Muslim countries. Even developed countries in wealth and wealth are unable to match them, despite this, it is a sign of the fear of these Muslim countries that they are not ready to open their mouths about the atrocities of America. Israel and Jewish companies, institutions and mass media are not even a friend of the boycott, but according to a news report, imams in Gulf countries are now afraid of using curses against Jews and Christians (because Muslims have only the weapon of curses left).

According to me, among all the challenges that Islam is facing today, it is the invasion of the leading media, which is 100% occupied by Zionism. All media such as television, radio, newspapers and the Internet are at the disposal of Zionism on a global level, and they can use them the way they want. It is the media "mafia" who decide what news or scenes to show on what kind of media and what events to keep the world in the dark. If the global electronic media business is examined, it will be known that 99% of the radio and television industry is owned by Jews. While 80% of the film industry is owned by Jews. If you examine the print media, you will know that 2000 newspapers are being published in America at the moment. 75% of them are owned by Jews. Jews hold publishing so dear (which is a good thing) that each Jewish firm publishes 50-50 newspapers and magazines. "News House" is a publishing house that is publishing 26 newspapers and 24 magazines at the same time. In addition to the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post, there are three major newspapers in the world. Currently, there are five major media firms in the world. White Disney, Time Warner, Viacom, Paramount, News Corporation and Sony, White Disney is the world's largest media company and owns three of the world's largest television channels. ABC is the world's most watched cable network, with 1.5 million subscribers in the US alone (guess the viewers yourself), two radio production companies, three film production companies, two art TV channels, eleven radio stations and ten MF channels. 225 television companies of the world "White

This brief review of mine makes it clear that the Jews are in control of the media in the entire world and the search engines of the world are in their hands. In these circumstances, I demand from the Muslims or the Nation of Islam that hiding the situation does not change them, without bringing the situation into the open and turning a blind eye to our shortcomings and weaknesses, how can we know where we have fallen behind?

will be called from the heavens

We will be killed in this deception

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