Preparations for bathing the Kaaba tomorrow are complete

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Preparations for bathing the Kaaba tomorrow are complete


Preparations for bathing the Kaaba tomorrow are complete

Preparations for bathing the Kaaba tomorrow are complete

Preparations for bathing the Kaaba tomorrow are complete

In Saudi Arabia, the Public Presidency for the Affairs of the Holy Haram has announced the completion of its preparations and arrangements for bathing the Kaaba.

The annual Ghusl-e-Kaaba ceremony will be organized on 15 Muharram al-Haram i.e. 2 August after Fajr prayer.

According to the Arab media, according to the instructions of the public presidency, the curtain of the door of the Kaaba has been removed.

According to the Arab media, the work of bathing the Kaaba will be done under the supervision of the General President of the Haramain Sharifin Affairs, Sheikh

According to foreign media reports, during the annual Ghusl-e-Kaaba ceremony, Prince Khalid Al-Faisal, the governor of Makkah, will wash the inner walls of the Kaaba with Zamzam water, Ghulb-e-Glub and musk, while the floor of the Kaaba will be washed with Zam-zam water, Glub-e-Glub water. And will be washed with the perfume of Oud.

In Masjid al-Haram, the inner walls and floor of the Kaaba will be washed with Zamzam water and dried with the help of hands and palm leaves, while white cloth will be used to clean the walls.In Masjid al-Haram, the inner walls and floor of the Kaaba will be washed with Zamzam water and dried with the help of hands and palm leaves, while white cloth will be used to clean the walls.

It should be remembered that this holy tradition of bathing the Kaaba has been going on since the time of the Holy Prophet.

According to some traditions, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) bathed the Kaaba twice a year, the first time in Muharram and the second time in the month of Sha'ban before the beginning of Ramadan.

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