Canada and India are locked in a diplomatic standoff

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Canada and India are locked in a diplomatic standoff

Relations, between Canada and India

 Relations, between Canada and India have become strained recently following the murder of a Sikh activist in Surrey, British Columbia on June 14 2023. The victim, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, aged 50 was fatally shot outside a Sikh temple. While Nijjar had been residing in Canada for years he was wanted by authorities for his alleged involvement in the Sikh separatist movement.

Canada and India are locked in a diplomatic standoff
 Relations between Canada and India 

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed on September 19 that the Canadian government possesses " intelligence" connecting agents to the murder. He voiced concern about these allegations. Emphasized that Canada is actively pursuing them.

In response to these accusations the Indian government firmly denied any involvement in the murder. Dismissed them as baseless and politically motivated. Indias Foreign Ministry referred to claims as an effort to tarnish Indias image and discredit its agencies.

Relations, between Canada and India have become strained recently following the murder of a Sikh activist in Surrey,

The diplomatic tensions between Canada and India have escalated over weeks. On September 21 Canada expelled a ranking diplomat as a measure of reprisal against Indias expulsion of a Canadian diplomat. Furthermore India issued a travel advisory urging its citizens to exercise caution when visiting Canada due, to increasing incidents of India activities and hate crimes tolerated by some political factions.

The United States has shown worry regarding the accusations of participation, in the homicide. It has also urged both parties to prevent any further increase. On September 22 Antony Blinken, the Secretary of State of the United States mentioned that they anticipate Indias cooperation, with Canada in conducting the investigation.

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