You are great sir!

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You are great sir!


You are great sir!

Allah Almighty has made me a figure of weakness, I have never claimed about myself that I am the greatest humorist of the country, or that no one comes close to me in travel writing, or that poetry is the maid of my house, or that when I leave the house, I wear a mask, not because of creditors, but simply so that I do not get recognized and ridiculed by fans. I seek refuge in Allah from such selfishness that people express exaggerated opinions about me in this regard, it will be their personal opinion and I never disagree with anyone because I listen to all kinds of opinions with full respect and dignity, I believe in freedom of expression.

It is a sign of my helplessness that I have never claimed that Einstein, Freud, Newton, Karl Marx, Cooper Knix, Galileo, Stephen Hawking and other intellectuals or scientists, all of them have been my students in a dream. One should be afraid of Allah and should never speak any big words, what I have to express, I never even thought that Mir, Ghalib and Iqbal have also been correcting their words from me in Alam Roya, or why should I say that Mushafi, Atash, Momin and other poets of the same position have been my students, Qaraatul Ain Haider, Saadat Hasan Manto, Krishan Chandra, Ismat Chagatai, Balwant Singh, Ghulam Abbas and other great fiction writers have been my students in Alam Roya. He used to write fresh creations and then send them for publication. And this is just yesterday, I never even expressed that Faiz Ahmed

While writing this column, I am wondering if I should write everything that people exaggerate and say about me, and despite my rebuke, they continue to say that no one can stop them from speaking the truth. Astaghfirullah, those who say that my image can be seen in the moon and it is also attributed to those who reached the moon that when they set foot on the land of the moon, they saw me walking there, according to them, their happiness did not end when they saw that they were among the lucky people who saw such a great personality with their own eyes sometime after the day of Afreen. I know that!

When they insisted a lot, I also limited myself to saying that not everyone is a teller, I know that with my answer, they would have started to think that I was very advanced, that maybe they were asked to keep some secret. I am deeply ashamed on such occasions that I am a speck of dust and people consider me to be the guardian of the secrets of the universe. My God forgive me, I have never forgotten my times, but God's creation keeps on assuring me that you are a superhuman being. If it is true that Allah is almighty, how can I deny His omnipotence!

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