A new storm of inflation

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A new storm of inflation


A new storm of inflation

It has also been said that the benefit of the tariff will be directly passed on to the consumers in the event of an improvement in the value of the rupee and a reduction in interest rates. However, the fact cannot be denied that an extraordinary part of the electricity being used across the country is causing financial loss to the government in the form of line losses, while the payments and receipts have to be balanced by repeatedly increasing the rates by providing free electricity to the privileged class. will face a new wave of electricity and consequential inflation which they cannot afford. It would be better to eliminate line losses (electricity theft) completely and try to collect full tariffs from the privileged class. Sources say that IMF has asked Pakistan for a plan to impose taxes on real estate and the agricultural sector. According to sources, IMF says that Pakistan has the capacity to increase revenue from the property sector and agricultural sector. IMF has also imposed a condition that serious measures should be taken to increase tax revenue. The exchange rate of the currency should be kept in line with the market rate. In order to meet the financial deficit, the provinces have to give a surplus budget. The governance in the government institutions should be improved. Some other such measures have also been suggested, as a result of which it has been predicted that the rate of inflation in Pakistan may be 9.25%, the unemployment rate is 8% and the economic growth rate 5.2%.

For the last three to four years, the country has been suffering from food shortage, fortunately, the sugar factor remained, the production of which is surplus, but the smugglers, hoarders and profiteering mafia do not miss any opportunity. According to the sources, about 700 tons of sugar is delivered to Afghanistan from different routes of Balochistan. The federal government had allowed a total of 250,000 tons of sugar to be exported last season at the insistence of the mill owners. In this situation, sugar reserves remain in the country according to local consumption. Generally, profiteers, hoarders and smuggling mafia take advantage of this and increase its prices by reducing stocks or creating artificial scarcity. It should be clear that a similar situation had arisen 5 months ago and the price of sugar.

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