Messages of political leaders on Ashura Day

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Messages of political leaders on Ashura Day

Messages of political leaders on Ashura Day

Messages of political leaders on Ashura Day

 Messages of political leaders on Ashura Day

Amir-e-Jamaat-e-Islami Siraj-ul-Haq has said that Hussainism and Yazidism are still fighting each other.
He said that Hazrat Imam Hussain is our idol. His sacrifice is the ascension of sacrifices.

Siraj-ul-Haq said that the Holy Prophet said that whoever supports the oppressor has nothing to do with the Ummah.

"The companion of Yazid in the world will not be with Hussain in Paradise."
They say that the lesson of Karbala is not to curse the dead Yazid and raise the flag of the living Yazid.

Siraj-ul-Haq says that the companion of Yazid in this world will not be with Hussain in heaven.

Sindh Governor Kamran Tesori has said that the incident of Karbala is a measure to distinguish between right and wrong until the Day of Resurrection, this sacrifice is a bright example for those who follow the straight path in every age.

Kamran Tesori says that the martyrs of Karbala created a great history of martyrdom with their words and deeds.

"Imam Hussain kept the knowledge of truth in front of falsehood"
Jahangir Tareen, head of the Stabilization Pakistan Party, has said that Hazrat Imam Hussain kept the knowledge of truth high in front of false forces.

He said that with the great sacrifice of Hazrat Imam Hussain, we get guidance in every field of life.

Vice President of Muslim League-N Hamza Shehbaz has said in the message issued on Ashura Day that the martyrs of Karbala made a great history of sacrifice in the path of truth and righteousness with their words and deeds.

Hamza Shahbaz says that the grandson of the Prophet (peace be upon him) has explained the practical interpretation of Islam by presenting the testimony of himself and his companions.

'The Martyrs of Karbala preferred to give their lives in the path of truth'
Balochistan Chief Minister Mir Abdul Qudous Bizenjo said in a message issued on Ashura Day that the sacrifices of the martyrs of Karbala cannot be forgotten for the rest of the world.

Abdul Qudous Bizenjo says that the sacrifices given for the elevation of Islam are a torch for the Muslim Ummah.

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