Charter of Democracy and Economy

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Charter of Democracy and Economy

Charter of Democracy and Economy

All parties of PDM including Pakistan Peoples Party and Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) and Tehreek-e-Insaf collectively or individually agree on a long-term Covenant of Democracy and Economy (CoD-2) so that for at least a decade, the strength of the parliamentary system within a democratic and participatory framework, the three institutions of the republic remain within their constitutional limits to obey the constitution, promote a culture of democracy and tolerance and ensure the protection of basic human and civil rights of the people. Political Charter: 1. By making the Charter of Democracy more comprehensive, it should be adopted and implemented as a charter of democracy and economy. 2. Such necessary changes in the constitution should be ensured by which the supremacy and independence of the parliament can be strengthened and any encroachment of the three institutions of the state from their respective constitutional limits can be prevented and remedied. 3. All the ministries and divisions at the federal level, which come under provincial jurisdiction under the 18th Amendment, should be abolished so that provincial autonomy and federalism are strengthened. A political solution should be found for peace in Balochistan. Termination of military operations in such a way that the frustration of foreign elements in FATA and Balochistan can be ended and the causes of deprivation can be removed 4. The third list of local jurisdictions should be introduced in the constitution related to the sphere of local government and the transfer of power and authority to local governments should be ensured 5. Fundamental human rights, civil and political liberties should be integrated and strengthened in the light of the United Nations declaration of human and civil rights. Implementation in the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Equal Rights of Women and Minorities without any discrimination. Respecting the equal civil rights of all citizens regardless of faith, religion, gender and race and ending all forms of discrimination and inequality 6. Respecting the right of expression of the people and the media and ending all forms of censorship. Removal of restrictions on the public's right to information; The restoration of students and trade unionists to the basic economic and social rights included in the constitution, according to the declarations of the United Nations, such as the right to live and live a decent and comfortable life, the right to compulsory and quality education, the right to adequate health, the protection of the freedoms of organization and assembly, and the end of all forms of oppression and exploitation. Recovery of all missing persons and provision of justice for them 7. Long-term strategy for sustainable natural environment and environmental protection and increasing density, relief from environmental pollution as well as sustainable rehabilitation of flood victims and disaster victims 8. Implementation of 26 points agenda of PDM to ensure civilian supremacy-

Economic Charter: 1. Due to external factors, debt and import-based economy, unproductive rent economy, feudalism, unsustainable development, growing gap between rich and poor and developed and backward areas and ending the occupation of the rich. 2. Agrarian reforms, increase in productivity of farmers, increase in agricultural business and production of agricultural goods should be prioritized. Promotion of export economy in place of import based economy. Local production of high value products and state-of-the-art manufacturing, substitute and intermediate goods, raw materials, oilseeds, development of SMEs, IT, AI and advances in scientific and technological, information and bio-chemical sectors, construction of basic industrial infrastructure 3. Keeping state expenditure within the limits of national resources, reducing non-productive expenditure, abolishing 35 federal ministries and their divisions which are now under the jurisdiction of provinces, reducing defense expenditure by 20%, making all unprofitable corporations profitable either through workers' participation or eliminating their burden on the exchequer on the basis of public-private partnership. No loans should be taken for non-productive or current expenses 4. Abolition of all privileges and exemptions of Umrah. 4 thousand billion rupees return of concessions. Reduction in the burden of direct taxes on every income and indirect taxes on the public. Implementation of progressive tax system such as trade, estate and agricultural taxes. Raising the tax/GDP ratio to 25 percent. Promote provincial and local taxes, such as sales tax and property tax5. A strategy to be environmentally friendly and improve the quality of life of the people, giving priority to social sectors and emphasizing poverty alleviation and environmental protection. The minimum wage should be adjusted according to the rate of inflation. The minimum wage should be 40000 rupees 8. Maintaining the current distribution of resources between the Federation and the provinces, increasing the favor of the more backward areas. Allocating financial resources to the district and local levels. 9. The Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIPC) should be located in the respective civilian domains at the federal and provincial levels, ensuring the legitimate rights of the local people and the legitimate rights of the provinces in agriculture and minerals. 10.

Foreign and Security Policies: 1. An independent foreign policy that serves the interests of our people, conducive to peace and economic cooperation. 2. To reactivate SAARC and strengthen SCO, normalize relations with India on the basis of peaceful coexistence and resolve all bilateral disputes including Kashmir peacefully through unconditional negotiations so that disputes do not hold relations hostage. Ending terrorism and proxy wars 3. Economic interests, investment and trade, tourism and free movement of people across all borders to promote brotherhood among the people of the region 4. Progress towards South Asian Economic Union 5. Economic security must be key to national security. Peaceful borders should be ensured 6.

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