The Wolf

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The Wolf

The Wolf
The Wolf

 I'm tired now and I want to get down but the poor wolf won't let me down. He is standing down looking at me constantly with scary eyes. And waiting for me to come down and eat me. We are the ones who are afraid of our own wolves, even though the tree has all the comforts for us. But we are not happy with these luxuries. Both of us wolves often sit quietly in their place. Sometimes they both get so mad that they attack the tree. Teeth and claws dig into its thick trunk...''

(Story. Wolf, author, Farooq Sarwar (Baluchistan) book. Selected Pashto fiction. Selection and translation: Dr. Ismail Gohar. Publisher Akademi Literature Pakistan)


today is Sunday. A day to sit down for lunch with your sons, daughters, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, sons-in-law, and get to know the status quo. The situation is getting grim and desperate. But it is our responsibility to tell our children that we should not let our future be ruined like the past and present. I also request that after Asr prayer, they should have a weekly meeting with the people of their neighborhood.


For a couple of days we are in Islamabad, then we visit the National Documentation Wing - Cabinet Division. Elderly brother Dr. Muhammad Khalid Masood has shown compassion. They are together. There we meet Farid Ahmed Sahib Director ND Wing. How many treasures do they have? See the lows and lows of 76 years since 1940. social media. The print is full of hearsay. Here are the proceedings of the cabinet meetings. There are letters written by rulers to Chief Justices, Army Chiefs. There are special branch reports. If we have to build our future, it can be based on this past. Which lies dormant here in archives, closets, microfilms, files. Now is the age of Pana Flex. See also the era of posters from 1840 to 1980. Cabinet papers from 1947 to 1982 are now regularly available for public access.

rain beauty and love / Blood has made its face terrible / Now it needs tenderness / The seeds of hatred are being sown on earth / We have to change its map with heavenly rain. This is an Urdu version of a poem by the popular contemporary Pashto poet Dr. Abbasin Yousafzai. Pashto and Hindi poetry. literature Fictions and novels have been greatly influenced by the Afghan situation. Professor Asir Mangal calls it the era of Thor Revolution. We have started the series of "What Pakistan is reading" with the sincere intention to know what is being written and read in our national languages, Punjabi, Saraiki, Sindhi, Pashto, Balochi, Brahvi, Kashmiri, Balti. Urdu is our federal language. According to the constitution, it is official and the government is not allowing it to become official.

We Pakistanis. Urdu language should be happy and proud that Pakistan consists of provinces and units. They are centuries old and their languages also have the treasures of centuries of poetry, stories, folk songs, folk tales and all these assets are now being translated into Urdu and embellishing Urdu with the ideas of centuries. Pashto literature is a major support that there has been continuity in the publication of literary journals. And now serious literature is also appearing on social media. Friends in Sindhi, Saraiki and Punjabi contributed a lot. I brought the recent poets, novelists, fiction writers of these great languages before my readers. At the same time, I apologize that it is difficult to cover all the dignitaries in such a short text. Now first I contacted popular Urdu Pashto poet and critic Nasir Ali Syed. These days, he is returning to show in Great Britain. He introduced us to Professor Asir Mangal, Ayazullah Turkzai, PhD Scholar They both guided us with great sincerity and dedication. One is our contemporaries. One is our future. A request was also made to the former vice chancellor of Peshawar University Prof. M. Asif. Through him, he got in touch with a great personality like Professor Attaullah, Vice Chancellor of Karakoram International University. Bushra Farrukh is a poet, writer, artist. They have been cooperating before. References to Hindco were received from him. Dear Ijaz has always been kind. Through him, a person like Dr. Abasin Yousafzai got an opportunity to join the circle of friends. Sudra Sadiq, a lecturer of Urdu Department at Islamia College University, Peshawar, was in contact with a research. He also guided the development of Pashto and Hindi literature. In this article we will mention the names of some fiction writers. In future columns, he will discuss the topics of Pashto-Hindko poetry, novels, and legends. We quote early. From 'Selected Pashto Fiction' published by Akademi Literature took Which has been published in 2021. It includes Rahat Zakheli's 'Widow Girl', the earliest Pashto fiction, and the contemporary Azmat Huma Ejaz, Akhtar Hayat Qamar, Ali Kamil Qazlbash, Sayeda Hasina Gul, Nisar Muhammad Khan, Badrul Hakeem Hakeem Zai, Tajuddin Tajur, Asmat Bibi, Fahmida Kamal, Shireenzada Khadukhel, Ali Khan Fikri, Dr. Muhammad Zubair Hasrat, Nighat Yasmin Dardamna, Farooq Sarwar, Noor Ul Amin Yousafzai. , Khalil Bawar, Vakil Hakeem Zay, Laeekzada Laeek, Akram Nazi, Ismail Gohar, Inayatullah Zia, Sahib Shah Saber, Asir Mangal, Salma Shaheen, Altaf Khattak, Safia Haleem, Dr. Syed Chirag Hussain Shah, Nazarpanizai, M. Ashfaq, Dar Muhammad Kasi, Rehmat Shah Sail, Syeda Naz Javed, Qayyum Marwat, Saadullah Jan Barq, Tahir Afridi, Akmal Asadabadi, Gul Afzal Khan, Muflis Durrani, Abdullah John Mughal. Mom, Arbab Rashid Ahmed Khan, Syed Mehdi Shah Mehdi, Naima Shahnaz stories also ancient and modern problems of their area. Pakistan dominates the impact of the situation in Afghanistan. But artistic Matters have also been taken care of.Pashto novel will be discussed in the next article. Then poetry to Pashto India. Which novels are popular? Whose poetry is being heard? What is happening on social media?

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